
Hello helpful all,

I've been reading through the dozens of posts here on brush/roller painting with NATO/other paint...

I was hoping to find a general opinion on how best to go about it, but some people say you shouldn't prime first, some say you should and some seem to have no luck, whatever they do!

The silver finish on my TD5 has largely had it and, with a new set of front doors and a new rear door in old Landrover blue, rollering on NATO green seemed the most cost effective and best solution, considering the incredible number of dents my 110 has (thanks, Scottish & Southern!)...

I'd be very grateful if anybody was willing to put their neck out and declare there to be a "decisive method" of painting by hand and whether it's best to use synthetic, oil-based, water-based (if it exists) or some other type of olive/green paint?

I'll quite understand if nobody fancies it...:)


Check ou the 'general land rover chat ' section. A good thread has just been started about it.
I'll tell you how I did it before I got a sprayer. Sanded the paint back until there was no flaking. In places there were dints such as the front wing I went back to metal and filled it then sanded it to the right shape and primed. Places that had to go back to metal were primed with etch primer then I just used a small roller to paint the car.
heres mine after using a fine roller on it, didn,t bother doing any sanding or prep work apart from a good wash. And it turned out pretty decent well at least i think so :),the pictures don,t do it justice but you get the jist of it oh and it only cost me £55 for the paint ,thinners , and 4 cheap rollers from anchor



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