ben waine

Active Member
Hi guys, I'm not looking to do anything like a full respray, but just a front wing top and rear quarter.
It's mid grey, I think I've found place that sells it in areosol and tin formats.
What's the easiest, best, and best compromise for application, areosol, brush, roller or spray. (Due to funds I think I won't be using a proper spray gun!)
Thanks Ben
If it's just the small areas you suggest then I would aerosol it. Aerosols can be costly for bigger areas. I've also seen some great finishes done with a very good quality small foam roller....a little orange peely but very acceptable.

I guess it all depends on what the rest of your Landy is like paint wise.
I wouldn't paint in less than say 14-15 degrees though
I roller painted my front wings and bonnet, as long as you're careful and keep the dust off as much as possible while its drying the finish is pretty surprising. I'd certainly recommend this as a better option to aerosol as the paint can be a bit thinly applied and they do cost a lot for not much paint.

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