
New Member
I have a new set of GB paras to fit to my 88 but i have to admit I'm not over the moon with the bright blue colour. Is there any issues painting them with regards to their working action ? Interested to hear peoples thoughts on this, should i be proud of her new shiny bits or try and hide them so it looks more original.
My parabolic s are getting a tad rusty and i was just about to ask a similar question, how do I paint them, and what with ?
My parabolic s are getting a tad rusty and i was just about to ask a similar question, how do I paint them, and what with ?

My paras are red-oxided and then given a couple of coats of black gloss (bought from wilkos)
Wilko satin black is your friend, looks nice and even better when black waxoil on top. Bit cold this time of year for painting and waxoiling though.
I thought that, after a few days they were covered in road grime and salt and looked to be spring colour....give em a slart of tetroseal or something?
Why don't you ring the chap at GB Springs - he is incredibly helpful and knowledgeable, surely he's a better person to ask than anyone! (Though i can't see what damage it would do)

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