
Active Member
Hi All

During the rebuild of my 90, ive decided that a nice respray is neccesary, and i was wondering if there was any of you that had any ideas of the best way to strip the 23 year old paint off it without having to sand the entire car down.

i used nitro mors on my series 3 then once all the paint is off outside for a wash with soapy water, and the rub the whole vehicle with thinners ready for filling and priming, worked a treat, and the old series looked great once it was sprayed black with a silver roof sat on some chrome modular rims:D
Maybe a hot pressure washer, chipped paint will come straight up if your trying to do it on the cheep, you'd still have to do lot of sanding there though. But otherwise sand blast the bastard ! =]
Thanks Guys, Have ordered 10 Clean And Strip Discs and 3 litres of nitromors, so ill nitromors the big areas and grind the smaller ones such as the bulkhead.

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