Then park it. Figure what parts you need, even buy a new chassis and put in a sea container. take it apart cuts chassis in half as it would then be parts. Then rebuild it in the USA and then you will have a vehicle worth 30K or so.

Or it will be impounded and you will lose everything.

So I like my 200 but it looks ****ty...really ****ty...I’ll upload the pic I have to hand but tomorrow I’ll grab a few more...I’m worried it might not be worth doing loads to it like paint’s sat on 197k and iv done a few things like change all shocks springs and turrets all round and just serviced it engine,diff and gearbox oils,changed tyres and been giving it a tidy inside...the passenger side tub capping has a hole in the side so when it’s wet I do get some water come through and there is a wet patch.. I have got new padding to go in but there’s no point unless I replace the’s got oxy on the front doors as you can see and the back door has it too. The chassis needed welding to pass mot and the front floor is shot as you see...but I do have new sections from yrm to be fitted..I’m planning in jet washing the chassis to see if I can find and other issues...I just don’t want to spend time with my mate in his body shop sanding and knocking a few of the bigger dent out if it’s not going to be worth it..I was thinking just do the body work to get oxy off and any holes fixed them just spray it the same colour and get the decals back then keep or sell to help fund a better condition td5.... so tub cappings are £80 each and I’ll need new windscreen rubber and a couple other rubber window seals and my mate said about 800 to prep and spray it...not after a showroom perfect body finish...just a freshen up. So is it worth painting to get extra for it or just fix floor and capping and keep it as is?
The chassis is scrap and a potential death trap.
Anyone know how thick the chassis should be? New galv ones are 2-2.5mm what about the factory ones?
Many years ago I bought an Orange defender pickup. It was a really bad paint job, if Hammerite did bright orange it was probably hammerite, all flaking off etc. Anyway I sanded it all down, primed it and put a few coats on with a roller. Then me mate came over with a with some wet and dry and a big electric polisher and some sort of fancy cutting compound and it came up really well. It looked ok just from the roller but the polishing stuff really finished it. Looking at that chassis though I would say it's scrap.
My chassis is 3mm. Chassis looks finished, not worth even starting repairs. If you can fit a new chassis yourself then that is the way to go. Watch eBay etc for a cheaper chassis or just punt it and get a better one.
Think I’m going to patch it and when I sell it let them know..I’ll leave paint but I’ll add the parts I already have and then just go day by day.
Think I’m going to patch it and when I sell it let them know..I’ll leave paint but I’ll add the parts I already have and then just go day by day.
Has it just passed an MOT? Hard to tell from your initial post. there's a hell of a lot of welding needed on that chassis to make it safe, in my opinion. Others, with more experience, will know better. The bulkhead looks as though it will take some saving too. Many of us on here would relish the project, but if it's not up your street then you are better off selling as such.
Think I’m going to patch it and when I sell it let them know..I’ll leave paint but I’ll add the parts I already have and then just go day by day.

I thInk you will struggle to patch that chassis tbh, it needs a new one.

That’s just the damage you can see, I guarantee that the rust will extend 3-4 times further than your jet wash has exposed, if not more.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but that will need a lot of money spent on it to get it safe, unless you have time and space to strip and weld (or rebuild) it yourself.

You might be better off cutting your losses and selling it as a project for someone else to do....
Ok thanks what’s it worth....ball park......I’m going to cut the rush and weld new plates on there atm until I know more about moving.... have anything I need at work so I’ll just dig in the offcut metal bin...I’ll take pics as I go’s going to be saved for a few more years yet until someone changes it...this sat im starting it!
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Little but of up keep to keep me on the road for a bit longer...doing what I can to keep it working...if I end up moving USA this year I don’t want to buy a new chassis I’ll let the next person do it...but if I stay here it will be the first thing I buy


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