
Active Member
So I like my 200 but it looks ****ty...really ****ty...I’ll upload the pic I have to hand but tomorrow I’ll grab a few more...I’m worried it might not be worth doing loads to it like paint’s sat on 197k and iv done a few things like change all shocks springs and turrets all round and just serviced it engine,diff and gearbox oils,changed tyres and been giving it a tidy inside...the passenger side tub capping has a hole in the side so when it’s wet I do get some water come through and there is a wet patch.. I have got new padding to go in but there’s no point unless I replace the’s got oxy on the front doors as you can see and the back door has it too. The chassis needed welding to pass mot and the front floor is shot as you see...but I do have new sections from yrm to be fitted..I’m planning in jet washing the chassis to see if I can find and other issues...I just don’t want to spend time with my mate in his body shop sanding and knocking a few of the bigger dent out if it’s not going to be worth it..I was thinking just do the body work to get oxy off and any holes fixed them just spray it the same colour and get the decals back then keep or sell to help fund a better condition td5.... so tub cappings are £80 each and I’ll need new windscreen rubber and a couple other rubber window seals and my mate said about 800 to prep and spray it...not after a showroom perfect body finish...just a freshen up. So is it worth painting to get extra for it or just fix floor and capping and keep it as is?


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You could always just paint it with a gloss roller, as your on its original paint it’ll go on quite cleanly and smooth. Old landys are practical vehicles so there isn’t much point in paying out loads of cash for a spray unless it’s a show vehicle.
I would suggest that it’s going to end up as a project for you or the next owner. If you are going to keep it I would make sure the chassis, mechanicals and bulkhead are A1 before thinking about the cosmetics.
Any potential buyer, if you go that way, will see the chassis has had work and then wonder what it will need next year.........then haggle you down accordingly. In which case it’s probably not worth podding out on expensive paintwork.
Having said that, plenty of unaware people would be distracted by a nice paint job and forget all about the chassis! Not condoning such a tactic but people do use it as a way of rolling a turd in glitter.
Personally, and if I had space etc, I’d buy a cheap run around and go to town on the 90. Body off to properly assess the chassis and repair properly or replace with galv one. Do a nice repair job on the bulkhead and paint it inside and out (assuming it doesn’t need fixing with a new one!). Maybe tidy the engine up depending how healthy it is. I’m sure you get the gist.....
Then give it a nice paint job and keep it.
That’s my thoughts, anyways.
Good luck whatever you decide!
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Keep it and fix it as an ongoing concern. I’m in exactly the same position as you - oxidised doors; capping starting to rot; hole in footwell; paint in need of sprucing up etc. I’ll be fixing it all myself, but I don’t pretend I’m going to do it all at once, breaking it down into individual jobs to be completed over the Summer is less daunting.
As she’s my daily motor I’ll have to be doing small bits in the evening and at weekends. I plan on tackling the doors by buying crappy 2nd hand doors so I can put one in place as I tackle each one individually.
Seconding what everyone else has siad, the chassis and mechanicals are more importatn thn the paint work so dont bother yet. Hoever when that has been sorted and you are looking at paint I still wouldnt be paying a body shop (even at mates rates) to be preping and painting it. Unless you want a concourse finish with no dents and lots of filler which will cost a lot more than the price you stated there is no point paying to get it sprayed. I stripped, prepped, roller painted and re-assambled mine in a long week (christmas and new year) using a barn at work. The total cost, ignoring the other parts fitted (I needed new capping as well) was less than £100, some gloss roller kits, some etch primer, new decals, and some coach enamel. I did my sereis peice meal on panel at a time in the garage over about a month using the same method. will try and find some before and after pics.
Another thing to consider is that is might not need repainting? other than the obvious corrocian patched the rest of the paint might come up ok with an agressive machine polish and you can then get a small tin of colour matched paint to fix the bits where the paint has come off?
Keep it and fix it as an ongoing concern. I’m in exactly the same position as you - oxidised doors; capping starting to rot; hole in footwell; paint in need of sprucing up etc. I’ll be fixing it all myself, but I don’t pretend I’m going to do it all at once, breaking it down into individual jobs to be completed over the Summer is less daunting.
As she’s my daily motor I’ll have to be doing small bits in the evening and at weekends. I plan on tackling the doors by buying crappy 2nd hand doors so I can put one in place as I tackle each one individually.
I don’t plan on getting it painted straight away I just wondered if it’s worth it in the end. Iv patched up them holes so far but at what point do you say it needs a new chassis...I don’t think this one is worth spending the money on doing it to....well I won’t be anyway...I’m waiting on news to move over seas so can’t commit to new chassis plus if I don’t move then I would want a lower mileage td5 then I would go the whole mile and change chassis
If you don't mind me giving my honest opinion!!
To fix that chassis properly, its a body off job!
We wouldnte even attempt to repair it as is!
You can see that there has been patches over patches!
The only way to cure rust is to cut it out completely and not patch over the top! As it will still continue rusting into the new patch ! Don't like to give you bad news! But if it isn't welded up properly! Its going to be the the same sh1t every year! Patch over patch! Patches arnt structural when welded to rusty metal!!
I've seen chassis snapped because of various crappy repairs! Its not bad taking a body off and at least you can cure it properly and of you take photos of the progress! It actually adds value to your vehicle!!
Sorry to be blunt mate but the rust is worse
than it looks!!!
Sorry again
Seconding what everyone else has siad, the chassis and mechanicals are more importatn thn the paint work so dont bother yet. Hoever when that has been sorted and you are looking at paint I still wouldnt be paying a body shop (even at mates rates) to be preping and painting it. Unless you want a concourse finish with no dents and lots of filler which will cost a lot more than the price you stated there is no point paying to get it sprayed. I stripped, prepped, roller painted and re-assambled mine in a long week (christmas and new year) using a barn at work. The total cost, ignoring the other parts fitted (I needed new capping as well) was less than £100, some gloss roller kits, some etch primer, new decals, and some coach enamel. I did my sereis peice meal on panel at a time in the garage over about a month using the same method. will try and find some before and after pics.
Another thing to consider is that is might not need repainting? other than the obvious corrocian patched the rest of the paint might come up ok with an agressive machine polish and you can then get a small tin of colour matched paint to fix the bits where the paint has come off?
All the laquar has came off the front wings and when you say roller all I can think is a house foam roller lol
If you don't mind me giving my honest opinion!!
To fix that chassis properly, its a body off job!
We wouldnte even attempt to repair it as is!
You can see that there has been patches over patches!
The only way to cure rust is to cut it out completely and not patch over the top! As it will still continue rusting into the new patch ! Don't like to give you bad news! But if it isn't welded up properly! Its going to be the the same sh1t every year! Patch over patch! Patches arnt structural when welded to rusty metal!!
I've seen chassis snapped because of various crappy repairs! Its not bad taking a body off and at least you can cure it properly and of you take photos of the progress! It actually adds value to your vehicle!!
Sorry to be blunt mate but the rust is worse
than it looks!!!
Sorry again
No need to be sorry I’m glad I’m Getting all this talk..the main issue is it’s my Dailey mate has his own mechanics shop and another has his own pain shop so I have the’s just I need it for work
All the laquar has came off the front wings and when you say roller all I can think is a house foam roller lol

Found some before and after pictures. A household foam gloss roller is exactly what I mean and gives a very good finish. I did not remove any of the dents (I am a firm beliver in a 30 year old work vehicle not looking pristine) so the paint finish is the last thing to be noticed. But even up cloase you have to know what you are looking for to know it was done with a roller, the average person on the street would not notice. I would also state that the paint was the last thing to be done, both sit on new chassis and are structurally and mechanically in good order.

Series done one panel at a time final photo is a couple of years after painting so can see it stands up to time well.:

IMG_3442.JPG IMG_3529.JPG IMG_3830.JPG IMG_7185.JPG

110 done in a week, looks better in the before photo than actauly is:
IMG_2636.JPG IMG_4335.JPG IMG_4362.JPG

If I had not had the space avaiable at work to do it all in one go I would have done the 110 one panale ata tiome the same way I did the sereis.
No need to be sorry I’m glad I’m Getting all this talk..the main issue is it’s my Dailey mate has his own mechanics shop and another has his own pain shop so I have the’s just I need it for work
Forget the paint! Just make it work and safe! Get it through another mot by patching it and have a full year on thinking of what to do !!! But body off is the answer ! 1 week is all it would take!! That's 16 hours a day 2 men though!! And it would also last you forever
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Leave paint as is then? Not even when it’s mechanical and structural sound? I don’t understand
I think what @blackstrat is saying is it is a very nice original vehicle and it would be a shame to lose that buy over zealous modifications as there are very few left in the original spec. Once it is mechanically sound you could repaint it smarten it up but use the origianal colour and replace the origianl decals.
Leave paint as is then? Not even when it’s mechanical and structural sound? I don’t understand
Don’t mind me mate I just like the look of standard old landrovers that have seen a bit of work, you do what you like and get it how you want it they’re not rare or valuable ur not ruining anything..

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