get it behind a wall or something, just to calm the wind down, pick a dry fine day and dont rush, you will be fine
find a car paint supplier near to you and get them to mix the original colour in synthetic (coach paint) paint as this most suitable for brush/roller aplication. the best known name for this type of paint is Tekaloid but you may strugle to find a supplier these days.
ffs i aint sen tekaloid fer years, try paddocks, thts where i got mine from, its about 8 quid a tin and its good stuff, not sure if they do the light green tho
if outside then try and get some scaffold poles and some polythene sheets.
make a tent.
anythin to keep the pesky bugs and flora out.
aye, but dunt think o campin in there, the plastic gets wet with dew in the morning and yer wake up soaked, ere EN answer the question in the sticker bit
ffs you old uns are terrible when it comes to remembering what yer typed, i spose yer look fer yer specs when they are on yer ead as well,
Aye, fine tips aplenty there. Ive seen Tekaloid in my local dealer.. he's got the light green too! think i'll build a tent round it, keep mrs fatrover out and her 'i told you so'....ways of approaching any form of diy.. should be easy enough on an 88, not that many panels really!!
do one side per weekend.
have fun with the neighbours wondering, wtf, is that moron doin now!
wait till they want a tree stump pullin out or some privets.
they soon start talking to yur and offering tea cakes etc....
doubtful.. hard words have been passed.. they definately sit firmly in the set of umanity labelled as '****s'. there is no room fer debate. . . .
500 as is, on a good day. if u can find a real numpty.

paint it black and youll get at least 1500.
Aye, an tracter exhausts on em.. thatll wake the fekkers up when ahm goin to werk at 3 in the might be right aboot the fc though. got me eye on one, just need to persuade mrs fatrover that its family transport for her an the newly aarrived offspring..

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