
Well-Known Member
I just thought I'd let the world know what a bunch of useless ****s these people are.
Three months ago I bought a new rear crossmember off them for my 110 which subsequently proved to be faulty. I e-mailed paddock's who got back to me straight away promising to replace it. Some time passed and as nothing had happened I e-mailed them again, and again, getting no reply. As I'm at work during their opening hours had to wait till the next saturday to phone them upon which they denied all knowledge of my complaint. After sending them my original e-mail again and explaining over the phone they decided they wanted the crossmember back and they would "take it from there".
The crossmember was duly collected four days after they said it would be and I waited to hear from them. A week went by with nothing happening so phoned them. Had to explain the whole story again and was finall y offered a refund which I accepted.
But here's the punchline. The bastards haven't refunded my card as promised and now, 2 weeks later, some 6 weeks since my first complaint, I have neither a crosmember or my money.
Be warned. These people sell cheap parts but if you have a problem they don't give a ****. They ignore your e-mails and will deny that previous phone conversations have taken place.
I'm going to write them a hard copy letter and send it recorded delivery in an attempt to get some satisfaction.
I will be going elswhere for all my stuff now. I don't think paddock's set out to deliberately mess people around, it's just that they make their money far too easily and customer service is not a priority.

A work colleague had a similar problem with them over an alternator for a 2.5 non turbo he gave them all the required details and they still sent the wrong item, But it was their attitude and arrogance that amased him the most, it took weeks to sort out and eventually I picked one up for him from Craddocks when I was on leave they could not be more helpfull it goes to show not all the fingers are on the same hand as they say.
Hi Hugesy, just a bit in their defense, i agree that some of the stuff they sell is pap but on the few occasions when i've had to complain, they have been fairly prompt about sorting it out for me. I agree, i have had to complain to them too many times in proportion to the amount of things i have bought, but the problems i've had have never been with their customer service, who have even been known to phone me back about things, which elsewhere is generally unheard of!
Paddocks, if you're reading this, can i have a £20 voucher please :D:D (preferrably for Tamar 4x4 store please)
They've always been fine in the past. They've really ****ed me off this time though. The fact that they have promised stuff on the phone then just not done it really gets my back up. I used to recommend them to anybody but now I'm going to diss the bastards to anybody who'll listen.
I'm out of pocket to the tune of about 150 quid plus all the delay and inconvenience it's caused so that's a hell of a lot of badmouthing till I feel like I've had me money's worth.
Jesus thats crap. Its same as anywhere else though, can be great then one time there ****e, i mean utter ****e, and it ruins it. I've only ever had one problem with paddocks, they sent an oil filter instead of a reverse lamp lense (eh?) but sent me the new part in post same day. Prob solved. But i've had problems getting a part afew months back off other sites, same kinda problems., I was short £150 for 6 weeks cos of 2 websites.

One thing ****ed me off with paddocks was i'd ordered some stuff, asked for special delivery, realised i'd forgotten something with 5 min of placing and rang up, wasnt allowed to add to order......... pain in the arse! and what i wanted went in the post too....
They've always been fine in the past. They've really ****ed me off this time though. The fact that they have promised stuff on the phone then just not done it really gets my back up. I used to recommend them to anybody but now I'm going to diss the bastards to anybody who'll listen.
I'm out of pocket to the tune of about 150 quid plus all the delay and inconvenience it's caused so that's a hell of a lot of badmouthing till I feel like I've had me money's worth.
Send em a claim for all your losses! Charge yerself at £50 an hour and £20 per phone call you've had to make, if the service is crap then don't forget who the customer is.
I'm gonna write em a formal letter this week and send it recorded delivery so they can't say they haven't had it. I'm not letting it go without being at least as much of a pain in the arse to them as they've been to me.
Make sure you mention that you reserve the right to claim for the losses what you have incurred. Also write "Without Prejudice" somewhere at the top of the letter.

edit...actually better put "That" you have incurred, not "What" you have incurred!!!
I'm with you on this 'un Mr H. I ordered 4 shox. 2 turned up correct, 2 wrong part number. Cuz I needed them for my MOT retest within the 10 days I had to buy another 2 & send their cock ups back.

Took me 6 weeks, numerous calls to endless useless numpties and a host of hollow promises to actually get my £75 back.

During that time I was told the bloke I originally talked to's "records were a mess", that "aww, we're really behind with our returns" & several other things that did little to boost my confidence that they are anything but a bunch of ****wits who run a pretty ropey ship.

If you get your parts & they're right first time, great. If you need it in a hurry or anything goes wrong, basically you're in for a bumpy ride.

I'll do any thing I can in future to use other suppliers in future.
The couriers they use are the pits as well. I always pay extra for express delivery but it usually turns up late. I've even had two parcels from the same consignment turn up two days apart. I've spent about 500 quid on me current project with them but they ain't gettin any more.

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