FFS some people are never happy :rolleyes:

Send 'em back and demand they're delivered properly :frusty:
Watching the video, remind me not to use UPS haha! Yeah I'll ask neighbours tomorrow, and demand as to why they didn't put my new tyres under the tree for me
FFS - what a whiny little ****. Courier probably rung your bell, got no answer and thought he'd Bernice and leave them for you as you prob want them for Christmas.

And now your moaning?

Cheer up
FFS - what a whiny little ****. Courier probably rung your bell, got no answer and thought he'd Bernice and leave them for you as you prob want them for Christmas.

And now your moaning?

Cheer up
newbs i would be happy i got my xmas prezzie before xmas but cant pleas everyone
You got the tyres, shove em on, go out laning and be happy. If you really want to complain, dont even bother talking to paddocks, nothing to do with them, they got them to the couriers perfectly, talk to the delivery blokes...
all you can or should do is email paddocks and tell them the tyres were left by the front door...its up to them whether they moan to the carrier
I just cannot believe I am reading this thread. How dare they take every effort to do their job on Christmas Eve. FFS I'll bet you would have been crying like a baby if he had taken them back and didnt deliver them until New Year. Like they say, You can please some of the people some of the time, but not all the people all the time. Phone Paddocks and thank them for their prompt delivery. End of.
I was waiting for some bio additive just before Christmas. I had a parcel force tracking number, but it was delivered by a 'man with a van'. When the couriers are busy, which they are at Christmas, they sometimes use temp/contract/ agency drivers.
delivering this time of the year must be a **** job , lots of deliveries to private houses...hope someones actually in, does the doorbell work... if you cant hear it from outside it probably dont....if it does the music is on so loud nobody hears it... if they do hear the bell theys in the toilet and cant get to the door instantly...
tis a wonder anything too big for the letterbox actually gets delivered at all.
FedEx were the courier, think ill just ring paddock and let them know, I'd feel a tad harsh having it out with them when it's not their fault

It's no fookers fault cause there isn't a fault. You got your tyres on time on christmas eve so FFS grow a pair and stop ya fookin whining..
So I ordered 5 insa dakars for my disco, costing me £360, from paddock spares. They were pretty quick with delivery, arriving on Christmas Eve, however, all 5 tyres had been stacked up in my drive, which is on a busy road, no door bell, knocks, card through the door etc... Obviously, this left me pretty effed off, not quite sure what route to take now, anyone had any similar experiences with paddock? I don't want to waste my time on the phone if its not worth it?
P.s merry Christmas

Obviously you don't use a Landy much if this is what effs you off .. Send 'em back, sell the Landy and **** off to AWHINEADAY.com ...

FFS, they were in your drive, not on a street corner, you later say you had three people in so maybe you didn't hear them knocking/ringing the doorbell, you agree they were a pretty quick delivery, you GOT THEM!!!

You appear somewhat akin to a ****wit.
Obviously you don't use a Landy much if this is what effs you off .. Send 'em back, sell the Landy and **** off to AWHINEADAY.com ...

FFS, they were in your drive, not on a street corner, you later say you had three people in so maybe you didn't hear them knocking/ringing the doorbell, you agree they were a pretty quick delivery, you GOT THEM!!!

You appear somewhat akin to a ****wit.

And breathe:D:D:p:p;)
I'm MORE than happy with the prompt delivery of the tyres. My point is that paddock should know that their courier is dropping off goods without them being signed for, on a very busy street, where they could have easily been stolen. Christmas or not, it's their job so they should be doing it properly.
I'm MORE than happy with the prompt delivery of the tyres. My point is that paddock should know that their courier is dropping off goods without them being signed for, on a very busy street, where they could have easily been stolen. Christmas or not, it's their job so they should be doing it properly.


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