
Hello all,

New here and new to Land Rover, Needed a 4x4 beast to do some trailer pulling and fell for a P38 (None runner but It turned over), I let it stand for a few months and now the electrics have fallen out with me. it wont open on the remote and the engine doesn't turn over anymore.
Hoping to find some answers on here.
Hi, welcommen.

First thing to do, go buy a brand new battery, charge it overnight and then see what happens.

My gut tells me battery is old and the cold has killed it.
Thanks dieseldog69

I did put another battery on i had laying around but its only tiny, I will go get a proper one after work tonight.
Thanks dieseldog69

I did put another battery on i had laying around but its only tiny, I will go get a proper one after work tonight.

Yeah, we all made that mistake once, used any old crap battery to get by, it was ok when you had points and condensers and the closest thing to an ECU on your car was the transistor radio in the dash, very modern car and needs full voltage to all the various computers to get them working correctly.

What we need to know is exactly why was it not running when you bought it?
Turned out the battery i need wasn't in stock so hopefully I will have that today. Darn work is getting in the way of fun again so will have to wait.:(

Well, the previous owner had managed to break the connection on the fuel filter so he bypassed it with some clear pipe however he seemed oblivious the foot long air bubble that was trapped in there. Obviously there are no guarantees but figured it was worth a gamble as everything else looked in such good condition.
So that's the new battery installed.

I have the key code lockout message on the dash. Will wait for the message to disappear then try both the EKA codes that are written in the book.
I can't unlock the passenger door, not sure if this will mean the EKA's won't work?
She runs! Sort of.

Ended up sending the becm and ecu to callrova. (Have to say, exceptional and swift service.) They sorted out the issues with these for me but i had to rig up a test diesel tank as it now looks like the fuel pump in the diesel tank may also be faulty but the main thing is me and the Rover are talking again... :)

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