dale u

New Member
This forum is the next best thing to having a load of Rangey nuts with their heads under an open bonnet deciding what the plan of action should be.
:confused: My problem is pressurising in the cooling system. it all started after towing a trailer with my brothers Disco on it. about a week later while on the motor way big bang loads of smoke i wondered what the sh t had happened car carried on running sweet temp didnt go up so stopped to check it out. hose from header tank to top of engine had blown appart. so fitted new hose filled it up and bled all the air out but afterwards major pressure in the system but engine still runs sweet and does not over heat. but water must be being pushed out of the over flow under pressure as it needs toping up after a run. when looking in the header tank it is bubbling like a kid blowing down a straw. what i cant decide is if it is a porus block split liners or just a head gasket. plugs are clean and not washed. and the system is still under pressure the morning after if i dont release the header tank cap. the car is for sale on the forum but would like to cure it if possible. So now for the head scratching and a hot brew to try and suss the problem any suggestions welcome
Thanks Dale

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