
Active Member

Don't know if this counts as an expedition but am booked on the ferry to France on Thu and intend to drive to Norway. I have sorted a couple of campsites in Norway (Atlantic road area) but was looking for some suggestions to have an overnight sleep on the way up perhaps from the Breman/Hamberg area if I can get that far in one day???

Suggestions ideas welcome. Although looking at my ferry time not in St Malo until 11.20 am FST so perhaps the Munster/Breman area?

Thanks for any ideas
If your sleeping in the vehicle the motorway rest areas are good and also but better in Belgium
yeah I've done a lot of that - even with a roof top tent. Scouted ahead to find a rest area that was all greenery and not actually services, and no one bothered us.
Don't know if you are already aware, but there are apps for your mobile phone which give you all the parking and campe site areas throughout Europe. The one 's I use are Search for sites and CamperContact. They are only £5 to £6 per year for the paid up versions. I found them to be very useful

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