I was taking something out of the back of my P38 and managed to snap off the trim from the top of the lower tailgate. I left it in the back intending to refit it at some point. The curly-haired general used my car to go to the tip and chucked the trim away with the rest of the stuff (can't trust 'em). Anyone know where I might find one, I have looked everywhere on line and in breakers etc.

Cheers, John
I was taking something out of the back of my P38 and managed to snap off the trim from the top of the lower tailgate. I left it in the back intending to refit it at some point. The curly-haired general used my car to go to the tip and chucked the trim away with the rest of the stuff (can't trust 'em). Anyone know where I might find one, I have looked everywhere on line and in breakers etc.

Cheers, John

Oddly enough, same here although mine is hanging on at the moment. For £80 it'll be scrapper or sod it.
Oddly enough, same here although mine is hanging on at the moment. For £80 it'll be scrapper or sod it.
I made some new screw fixing tags out of thin alloy and bonded them in place on other broken plastic parts, I plan to try the same tactic on the tailgate trim.
I thought they were plastic, not carbon fibre!

It's a special Land Rover plastic manufactured by the fair-folk pixies only on alternate blue-moons using strands of unicorn hair and a pinch of magic. Unfortunately that does not come cheap. Even worse, in the cold light of day the magic deteriorates faster than lawrencium and you end up with some brittle sh!te that snaps faster than you can look at it.
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It's a special Land Rover plastic manufactured by the fair-folk pixies only on alternate blue-moons using strands of unicorn hair and a pinch of magic. Unfortunately that does come cheap. Even worse, in the cold light of day the magic deteriorates faster than lawrencium and you end up with some brittle sh!te that snaps faster than you can look at it.
LOL. Range rover plastics are certainly the worst I have ever seen.
Sorry for the delay. eventually found it, it ha 3 broken lugs( I repair these using Araldite} but apart from that its ok . I reckon £ 25.00 .Trouble is,the postage wont be cheap. If its any good to you.
Sorry for the delay. eventually found it, it ha 3 broken lugs( I repair these using Araldite} but apart from that its ok . I reckon £ 25.00 .Trouble is,the postage wont be cheap. If its any good to you.
Thanks, I'll take it. Any chance you could find out how much the postage/courier would be? In case it's cheaper to do a road trip. Cheers, John
Morning its difficult to get an exact price without booking it,the length seems to be the problem it 1400mm long and everyone gives max of 1200. I would intend to tape to a piece of timber to protect it and estimate the weight at 2kg I would think it would be about£10 for a courier

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