what a fcuking ghastly car, if he was my relation i would have shot him stone cold dead. fcuking idiot, i wouldnt give him a tenner for it!!!

all the 'work' thats been put in on the outside and the fcucking inside is a dog kennel!!!
what a fcuking ghastly car, if he was my relation i would have shot him stone cold dead. fcuking idiot, i wouldnt give him a tenner for it!!!

all the 'work' thats been put in on the outside and the fcucking inside is a dog kennel!!!

don't like it then????:D:D:D:D:D
wtf, who put that back bumper on? stevie wonder?

all that bling and its a dse??? that's be good at the traffic light g/prix!!!

clatter clatter clatter!!! what a tit!

how do you find em on ebay, do you put in 'i want to buy a car from a retard show me my options' ?
I've got an ex RAC Transit that colour, it doesn't look good on the Transit either:eek:

i live not too far from where they 'dispose' of thier ex rac vans, the garage has bucket loads of that paint, they wont put it on anything other than an ex rac van tho!!! they have some taste!!!
well its good to see that i am not the only one thinking what a pile of sh:t

its hard to understand how these people put a value on there cars, must just think of a number and double it then double it again
how the **** do people think that back bumper on the white one looks good! if that were mine i would throw a ****ing gallon of gas and a match at it! A ****ING LOAD OF ****!
**** me i just looked on that site pimpmyrange.com, theres a whole ****ing site dedicated to chumping p38's up!!!! God have mercy!!!!!
this is what they do when not ferkin p38's up


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