
Active Member
Hi Folks does anyone know where I could get my 1999 p38 radio repaired ,I’d like to keep the car as original as possible.It simply didn’t come on the other morning, the display is blank I’ve checked the fuses and they are all ok I’ve order the keys to remove it and I’ll check there’s power to it but that’s as far as I can go ?.
Mine was a Clarion unit and I sent it off to them and paid £100 and they serviced it and put in a lead for an iPod. Was a very good reputation but sadly mine came back with different faults and is now rubbish and doesnt jump frequencies to stay on a station
Mine was a Clarion unit and I sent it off to them and paid £100 and they serviced it and put in a lead for an iPod. Was a very good reputation but sadly mine came back with different faults and is now rubbish and doesnt jump frequencies to stay on a station
Was that at their service department in Swindon? Angry phone call and send it back.
yes it was and they just wanted another £100 and to send it back lol
Thanks for the reply ,I don’t think mine is a Clarion fortunately by the sound of it .I hadn’t thought of sending to manufacturer for repair that’s an idea .

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