
New Member

This is my first post on this site. Just over two years ago I bought my second P38, a 2.5 DHSE having has a P38 4.0 lpg conversion (never again!):mad:. I thought I knew all the faults with the P38 but soon after I bought this one the radiator split across the top. I had no warning of this. It wasn't using water or oil - the radiator just split wide open. I put a new radiator in and two years on and about 17,000 miles it went again - just split wide open across the top seam. The only common denominator is that on both occasions I was towing a heavy caravan and had reached the top of a long hill.

When it happened before I visited a few sites and found this was a common problem with Land Rover blaming head gaskets but most people thought it was the design of the radiator being plastic. I've replaced the radiator with the Land Rover one out of necessity due to being on holiday. One thought I have is to put an aluminium one in to replace the plastic one. Has anyone out there done this please? Any views would be appreciated before I throw good money after bad.

Happy motoring.

same here i had the same problem hot sunny day long hills look at the speed ohhhhh it hot to late boooosh steam under the bonnet pulled over middle of no where lucky been camping had a cooking stove and found place of metal on the side of the road and melted it back knocked on some guys house for water changed it when i got back been using it fine again up a hill pushing it pop goes another but what i do now (until i wire it in proper ) is take out the relay for the electric a/c fan place of wire and never got hot since , but was thinking how much an aluminium one is

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