
New Member
Hi Guys, new to this side of the forum and have decided to put complete faith in what you guys say.

I currently have a P38 4.6 - none of the usual problems, in fact, it has been a breeze to own. Obviously now that fuel is rocketing, the thought does occasionally cross one's mind to flog the thing - and here is my dilemma.

I love the Range Rover, this is my 4th but in truth i never, ever will get to use half of all the bells and whistles that come with it. I'm now seriously considering looking for a 110 instead, something more utilitarian but equally robust for the kids, the dogs and the devon and cornwall roads.

So to the knub - obvious Defender bias aside, pro's and cons please gentlemen regarding a 110 over a P38. Make a good enough case and I shall seriously consider selling the Rangie.
Hi Guys, new to this side of the forum and have decided to put complete faith in what you guys say.

Are you mental :confused::confused::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:;););):hysterically_laughi

I've got a 300tdi 110 csw, and I love it to bits, but I don't think i've ever even been in a rangie, so i'm not much use to you comparing the two.
I do use mine as my daily drive though, and have done several 300+ mile drives and find it reasonably comfy and wouldn't change it.:confused:;););):cool::cool:
having owned both i would say depends on your circumstances.

if you are used to the comfort get a classic

if you dont mind draughts, rattles and driving everywhere with a smile on your face get a 110

oh and burn the p38 :mad2: :)

loved the comfort and v8 burble of my p38 but would i have another? would i fook!!!
They are two very different cars I would hire a defender for a week and see how you get on before you sell the rangie. I would sell my fender for a rangie anyday.
I've had both , but wouldn't have another P38 as long as I've still got a hole in my ass.

Having said that, it's probably the nicest car to drive I've ever had. It was running fine and then one day it suddenly became unreliable and I lost all confidence in it.
We have a choice of a gaylander (wifes :D) , Discovery TD5 & a right hooker (we are in France) 20 year old Def 110 sw and the Def get's used all the time, everytime!
I have had both a late P38 V8 and also now a defender 90 200tdi. Got to say I love the defender and it is perfect for what I use it for (camping and weekend run about) but I do miss the comfort of the P38. Ive also had several classic range rovers before and they dont compare to a P38. Sold the P38 to my Dad so still see it every so often. They are a ticking time bomb though im afraid. Brakes went on my one and it cost me a fortune to fix and get through MOT. Would I buy another one?.......... probably not

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