Hmm...maybe from people that have sold things on fleabay in good faith only for the buyer to let them down.....due to not checking things first!!!
Hmm...maybe from people that have sold things on fleabay in good faith only for the buyer to let them down.....due to not checking things first!!!

Don't think I've had a bad experiemce on ebay, and I have a score of 211 at 100%

When I'm bidding I do my homework first, when I'm selling I tell all the faults, probably more than the good points . and I've never had a real issue with anyone yet. When people bid on my items I check (as far as I can) their legitimacy and if I find something odd or indeed if I simply dislike them, I cancel their bids, with an email to tell them why. If they reply reasonably and 'sound' genuine then I re-consider.

That strategy has stood me well ..
i hope the comments on the 22" inch wheels and tinted windows dont apply to every one, coz i aint any of the lovely words that people have been using. i have both on my range rover and take great pride in its apperance, its been featured in lro international 4 times. as far as saying the rides crap aint true neither, mine drives very well and has impressed anyone who has driven it.
i hope the comments on the 22" inch wheels and tinted windows dont apply to every one, coz i aint any of the lovely words that people have been using. i have both on my range rover and take great pride in its apperance, its been featured in lro international 4 times. as far as saying the rides crap aint true neither, mine drives very well and has impressed anyone who has driven it.

Yu see admitting it's been in LRO is bad enough but allowing them to do the same thing 4 times proves that everything that's been said is true..
Nah LRO is for produced by ****ers and sold to morons.

And i think given a choice between a RR and a gaylander there'd be no contest. It's be the matches and petrol mobile anyday of the week
nice words mate, learn to spell before trying to make yourself look big. calling me when you aint even met me, very nice. one day we might even meet if im lucky enough a. you find people tend to swear a lot when they cant think of anything to say thats constructive and feel the need to reply just to get the last word in, type away pal and prove my point.
nice words mate, learn to spell before trying to make yourself look big. calling me when you aint even met me, very nice. one day we might even meet if im lucky enough a. you find people tend to swear a lot when they cant think of anything to say thats constructive and feel the need to reply just to get the last word in, type away pal and prove my point.

Where have I used foul language? and secondly where have I insulted you personally apart from questioning your judgement in letting a rag like LRO feature ya RR. and if we're going to criticise peoples spilling there's no such word as aint if there was it would be ain't and it's also that's not thats.

Oh and I don't believe that Jealousy is spelt jeallousy
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Where have I used foul language? and secondly where have I insulted you personally apart from questioning your judgement in letting a rag like LRO feature ya RR. and if we're going to criticise peoples spilling there's no such word as aint if there was it would be ain't and it's also that's not thats.[/quote

i buy that mag so your insulting me by calling me a moron, and calling the editors wan***s is using foul language. and who are you to question my judgement? surley it's my choice where my car is featured.and its spelling not spilling.
Where have I used foul language? and secondly where have I insulted you personally apart from questioning your judgement in letting a rag like LRO feature ya RR. and if we're going to criticise peoples spilling there's no such word as aint if there was it would be ain't and it's also that's not thats.

i buy that mag so your insulting me by calling me a moron, and calling the editors wan***s is using foul language. and who are you to question my judgement? surley it's my choice where my car is featured.and its spelling not spilling.

It's surely not surley anorl. :D And i Is always a capital I and are yu sure it's spelling and not spilling??
Mate we could be here all night, im running out of beer and need my bed. Note the use of capital letters that im using know, and i noticed your vocabulary is getting better too.:D Thats got to be near perfect that lot i just typed, check it out.
nice words mate, learn to spell before trying to make yourself look big. calling me when you aint even met me, very nice. one day we might even meet if im lucky enough a. you find people tend to swear a lot when they cant think of anything to say thats constructive and feel the need to reply just to get the last word in, type away pal and prove my point.
So I take it you've come on here to say 'look at me.. I've ben in LRO 4times' ... Like ah care:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Mate we could be here all night, im running out of EXCUSES and need my bed. Note the use of capital letters that im using know, and i noticed your vocabulary is getting better too.:D Thats got to be near perfect that lot i just typed, check it out.

Apart from the "i's"... Yeah I'll agree, you're pretty shoite!

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