
New Member
Someone help my p38 is driving me insane (I know its a range rover and I expected to give me grief)ive had it about 3 months a 98 4l took me 2 months to get the eas working and I coild finally drive her but thenit started cranking slowly trying to start it I tested the battery and it was only holding 11v so I changed the battery turned it over still slow cranking and stivking so I jumpef it from the original battery and it fired into life and for a few weeks I just lived with it sometimes it would turn slow but still start sometimes it needed the second battery to over come what I have been told is machine gunning until last week the starter motor said no more so I bought a new one stress and aggro job done I finally thought I could get in my car turn it on and it fire spot on but No the rangey turned slow and still machine hunning keep cranking it turns slowly and bangs into life I was going to just live with that and work it out in due course but tonight I came home went in doors I heard a car spinning over and not firing looked out and it was my rangey starter spining like crazy all on its own so I put the key in it and it stopped ive pulled a relay so I think it wont do it again .so it will spin at the correct speed but only on its own new battery and starter so im all out of ideas sorry about the essay but I wanted to be accurate
Someone help my p38 is driving me insane (I know its a range rover and I expected to give me grief)ive had it about 3 months a 98 4l took me 2 months to get the eas working and I coild finally drive her but thenit started cranking slowly trying to start it I tested the battery and it was only holding 11v so I changed the battery turned it over still slow cranking and stivking so I jumpef it from the original battery and it fired into life and for a few weeks I just lived with it sometimes it would turn slow but still start sometimes it needed the second battery to over come what I have been told is machine gunning until last week the starter motor said no more so I bought a new one stress and aggro job done I finally thought I could get in my car turn it on and it fire spot on but No the rangey turned slow and still machine hunning keep cranking it turns slowly and bangs into life I was going to just live with that and work it out in due course but tonight I came home went in doors I heard a car spinning over and not firing looked out and it was my rangey starter spining like crazy all on its own so I put the key in it and it stopped ive pulled a relay so I think it wont do it again .so it will spin at the correct speed but only on its own new battery and starter so im all out of ideas sorry about the essay but I wanted to be accurate
Best nip over to the Introduce Yourself section say hello first mate.. ;)
I'd place a high wager that it's an electrical issue. Now go introduce yourself and hopefully somebody way less cheeky will respond.

Oh, and clean up all your earthing points and maybe check your alternator output.
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Check the fuse box for signs/smells of burning, try a new relay, check cable from battery to starter motor for corrosion, put a jump lead in parallel & see if it improves, same for the negative.
Hi and welcome!
If your starter was spinning without the key even being in the car, you have a serious electronic glitch. The immobiliser should render it impossible to get it to crank without the key actually being in the ignition lock. Erratic behaviour like this is usually due to malfunctions in the BECM (Body Electric Control Module) or in the engine-compartment fuse box. I would think it's unlikely that you will figure this out without hooking up to diagnostics, but if it's the becm, an overhauled exchange-unit is the way to go. Check all your earths and starter relay first, then take it to someone who can read your fault codes.

Hi and welcome!
If your starter was spinning without the key even being in the car, you have a serious electronic glitch. The immobiliser should render it impossible to get it to crank without the key actually being in the ignition lock. Erratic behaviour like this is usually due to malfunctions in the BECM (Body Electric Control Module) or in the engine-compartment fuse box. I would think it's unlikely that you will figure this out without hooking up to diagnostics, but if it's the becm, an overhauled exchange-unit is the way to go. Check all your earths and starter relay first, then take it to someone who can read your fault codes.

Much more likely to be the fuse box or relay than the BECM which gets the blame for many things that it has not caused.

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