
New Member
Hi All,

I’m new to all this, but after reading all the threads I finally took the plunge and hacked in the freelander and got a p38a. It’s a 98 on an R plate SE v8 4 ltr. It’s got 60k on the clock which is documented through all the old MOT’s and service receipts I have with it. I was working on the theory that 60k is nothing on most land rovers, so it must be a big point in this one’s favour.

It’s as filthy as hell at the moment and from what I’ve read on the treads it has most of the niggles folk have written about. Including a saggy head lining. I’m sure more will appear as I go over it. But that’s half the fun I guess.

So I’ll apologise now as over time and not doubt many £’s, I’m bound to show my ignorance and prove be a real pain in the backside. But any advice and help you guys can give will be gratefully and humbly received. Just be gentle with me if you can........ :)
hello and welcome,
when you work out this site please tell me I posted a thread once but havent got a clue how to do it again.
good info here tho
what do i need to do to change the gaskets on the valve covers on a 4.6, is it a special tool?
Welcome to the mad area, but if you can take the banter you will enjoy it alot. I am sure you will be on here alot with any points you need clearing up but everyone is very helpful.
hello and welcome,
when you work out this site please tell me I posted a thread once but havent got a clue how to do it again.
good info here tho
what do i need to do to change the gaskets on the valve covers on a 4.6, is it a special tool?

a special tool???.yes the owner.:D
Welcome - put your location in your profile - then anyone close can come and have a laugh at your expense :D:D

But seriously - we all understand how 'special needs' these cars are and you may find someone close to help/offer advice....
Welcome - put your location in your profile - then anyone close can come and have a laugh at your expense :D:D

But seriously - we all understand how 'special needs' these cars are and you may find someone close to help/offer advice....
hahaha its us that end up special needs, after 1 year your hair falls out, your nails are gone, you will be bad tempered, a drunk. but you will never have been soooo happy.welcome and good luck..:welcome2::eek::eek::doh:
hahaha its us that end up special needs, after 1 year your hair falls out, your nails are gone, you will be bad tempered, a drunk. but you will never have been soooo happy.welcome and good luck..:welcome2::eek::eek::doh:

i beg to differ about the drunk bit J.. i cant afford alcohol.. keep spending money on the car..:mad:

rets of it i totally agree with mate...

hope you got a very understanding mrs... if not just hid all the matches..

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