It's difficult to let an insurance company get free money.. but if you weigh up the savings in LPG over petrol you'll make it back in a couple of months
Need to a LOT of miles to justify LPG especially if fitted new by garage
Emer is very common stuff. My valve gear is Emer and it's never let me down yet...

Most LPG stuff seems to be either Italian or Polish. Two firms make all of it, and everyone else just rebadges is for sale.

I don't think TT would recommend anything that wasn't suitable. They've got a great reputation and I doubt they'd want to tarnish it.
Thanks guys for all the suggestions I was getting ready to install the front end but paused a moment and phoned my insurance company who have said
My current underwriter doesn't cover LPG converted cars, but I can cancel my insurance mid term and they keep all the money and get a new quote from them but they can't garunte any of there other under writers will cover it either..........

Shame as the prins system I have it pretty decent with a huge vaporiser, vsi 8 ecu, full engine harness and statko tank........will need to rethink options as I'm not giving the insurance company 8 months money........... Just to cancel mid term...

Yes I was going to put the vaporiser in series as it seems the best option I was going to use the throttle body heater pipes as its been by passed at some point so no need to cut into the heater pipes and disturb my O rings, and an over haul kit was in my shopping trolley to as well as a new filter....bugger.

Good call on contacting tinley tect maybe give them a call iv been using the LPG shop online seems my current front end set up on there site is about £900 :eek::eek:

I wouldn't use the throttle body heater hoses to go to the vapouriser - they're only 8mm!! so not likely to have enough flow through the vapouriser... (my Zavoli reducer has 16mm hose connections!)
I put my vap in series after advice from people saying it would work better etc (even though it had been in parallel since install with no problems), but because of where mine is (Over by EAS box - mounted off the LHF shock absorber bolt) either you had to take the hoses over the top of the back of bananas (as they had done originally - and creates a lovely high point in the system!) or you can scoot them around the back of the engine to keep the height down, but then I had a 90 degree bend (which I used a metal elbow for, rather than kink the hose). The vap got nice and hot still, but the heater only got luke wam, and the whole cooling system seemed under a bit more pressure (probably because of the 90deg sharp bend). I'm convinced it possibly had something to do (or at least didn't help) with my core plugs on the block starting to weep coolant.

When I put the new engine in (as opposed to stripping the old one out to just change the core plugs) I went back to the parallel hookup for the vapouriser, and I now get full heat again through the matrix, and there is obviously enough flow through the vapouriser, as the LPG works happily - and is toasty and hot - I've never had it anywhere near freezing the vap by being in parallel.

Obviously if you have the vap over on the RHS around the ABS pump area, like I've seen a couple of them now, then it's easier to so a series fitment, and wouldn't have the issues with sharp bends at the back of the engine, if (like me) you are trying to keep the height of the hoses as low as possible to aid bleeding etc.

Either way, I don't think there would be enough flow through the 8mm throttle body hoses to keep a decent sized vap hot enough?

So moving this on I have had a long chat with my current insurers who are very good just to try and get an idea of cost to insure once converted........none of their under writers will insure an lpg car so only option would be to cancel existing policy and reinsure with some one else who does

Who is everyone else using then ????

I'm currently with Admiral, though I'll be looking at changing this year, as they don't offer more than 5yrs no claims. But even when I bought the RR 5 odd years ago, they didn't ask for any proof of install certificate etc. - I just had to mark it as a 'modification' which I pay about an extra £15/yr to have is covered on the policy. My RR was most likely professionally installed when it was first done back in 2008 - as a) the install/wiring was very nice and neat, and b) it's registered on DVLA/V5 as being Gas/Bi fuel...

One other thing to note... if you are feeding the gas lines into the bananas, make sure your injector wiring is correct - as in the lower inlet, a couple of the inlet tracts cross sides... so in your picture of 4 injectors a side, 2 of those (can't remember if it's middle or end) would actually be supplying gas to the OPPOSITE bank... which needs to be accounted for in the injector pickups from the petrol loom, and the wiring to the gas injectors, for optimum running.

Good luck getting it all installed!

Thanks Marty insurance research done iv found a company who will insure LPG do not require proof of install etc.
This is where my vaporiser will go as the whole kit was removed from a working car I'm hoping the injector cross over was done correctly I'm aware of what you say.
Still on hold as I'm busy again but will get back to it when I can. As for flow rate yes the throttle body pipes are 8mm I plan to use these 1st no messing with the heater pipes or my O rings iv 16mm to8mm reducer connectors sitting here ready to go. My research on an australian site regarding install advised using them so I'm going to give it a go, same principle in domestic plumming flow rate should not be a problem as long as there is heat in the pipes and constant flow I don't see why it wouldn't work, watch this space......
Lead and software arrived this week to so iv also everything I need just some pipe to connect up the tank to the front end faro pipe on order plus clips and a new wire to connect the tank to the LPG switch.
I am still quite doubtful there will be enough flow through the throttle body heater line to keep the vap warm enough. I could be wrong, and I'll be interested to see the results.

They do take a fair bit of heat out of the coolant, and will freeze up pretty quickly if there isn't enough flow of hot coolant through.

Keep us updated!
I am still quite doubtful there will be enough flow through the throttle body heater line to keep the vap warm enough. I could be wrong, and I'll be interested to see the results.

They do take a fair bit of heat out of the coolant, and will freeze up pretty quickly if there isn't enough flow of hot coolant through.

Keep us updated!

Yep I will do the plan is to fit the complete engine harness that came with it the inlet manifold and water connections and run it up without connecting the LPG or powering the LPG ecu then see how the car runs like that I have a digital thermometer gun I can get some temp readings flow/return and vapouriser . once I'm happy I can swop insurance companies finish the install with the LPG tank in the spare wheel well and connections cross my fingers and power the LPG ecu it should fire up and all work iv got all the leads and software now for prins vsi so if any one else needs to borrow it for set up/adjustments and fault finding there very welcome.

Using the throttle body heater supply and return pipe feeds was from an ausi landrover site loads used it for there conversions with no trouble for the life of me I can't find it. Worse case I may have to connect in series with my heater pipes.
Evaporation causes cooling. With no liquid gas to vapourise, no cooling.
with the vaporiser there Dave will you have still have good access to the spark plugs. you'll be changing them regularly on LPG !
with the vaporiser there Dave will you have still have good access to the spark plugs. you'll be changing them regularly on LPG !

We got 60000miles on a set of Champion Double Platinum's, just check the gap every 10000miles. They reckon 80000miles is a typical service life.

The VAP should be good there, quite low down.
Do feed the heat directly from the heater pipes as it's got to turn frozen gas into gas again so takes quite a lot of warmth. BTW it's a bit warmer in AUS that a cold damp British Winter!
If it does not run the correct temp you will get issues with mixture being too rich and in worst case the vap will freeze solid and be covered in frost.

Good luck on the install
Hi guys got a 4.0 gems 1997 on LPG brc conversation I bought a new vaperisor for my system went great but now cuts out.will not idle.
Hi guys got a 4.0 gems 1997 on LPG brc conversation I bought a new vaperisor for my system went great but now cuts out.will not idle.

@Saint.V8 or @MrGorsky have more experience with LPG. Is there any sort of diagnostic with the LPG tuning software? I'm guessing there's some sort of valve that opens to let the LPG get as far as the vapouriser? Is that opening?

@backinblack might have some knowledge of LPG too.

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