
New Member
Hello. Looking for help from fellow P38 owners please. Battery died, removed it from car, fully charged it, put it back, closed bonnet, can't open doors with key or EKA code. Disconnected remote key receiver some time ago which was flattening the battery. Is this why the EKA won't work? Have used EKA previously before that disconnect so code is correct. Have had an expert wedge the door open and pull the button up but doors still don't open. EKA code seems to work, lights flash etc, but doors stay locked. No dealer or independent will help, or locksmith or auto electrician. Any ideas please? I have read every post on every web site I can find and can't find an answer. Two weeks in now and £50 worse off for the expert help which didn't work. Got the bonnet open and can gain entry there if needed. Help! I will reward anyone who can get me in without breaking windows or locks. Thanks for your time guys.
Sounds a right bummer this one. Welcome. Suggest you take this to the range rover part of the forum and there may be help suggested. Also have a look at previous P38 threads on the foru; they seem prone to lots of electro mechanical problems as they age.
You are Superlocked which is why pulling the button up isn't unlocking all the doors.

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