
New Member
Hi i'm totally new to this site so bear with me ! My 1996 2.5 dse p38 heaters and display are running a complete mock !! i've been told this is a common problem with the p38, the lcd display is very hard to see ( could this just be bulbs ) also when on low ( cold ) the passenger side blows hot,shall i just buy a new lcd display off ebay ?? any help would be great !! :eek: :eek: :eek:
ah dunt think lcd displays have bulbs.. Liquid Crystal Display... see no bulbs.. there some peeps reckon they can revive them but you'd have to do yer own search fer them unless someone else on here has used them. e bay seems yer best bet unless you got a scrappy near by.
oh! one other thing if its like the one i had a few years ago it might be worth while checking the connector and give it a clean.

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