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The core charge is a deposit, which when your old door latch is returned to me, I refund that back to your Paypal account.
Unfortunately my stock of door latches isn't massive anymore, as before I added the core charge, people were just not returning latches to me - which meant that I had to keep buying up latches to refurbish, which then makes it not worth my time doing... given there's about 20 parts in each latch to strip out/clean/check/reassemble - and that's before buying/fitting the new microswitches!

If I'm away working when you are ready to return the old latch (message me first!) then I can get you to send it to a fellow P38 owner who's happy to receive items for me and let me know when they've arrived, so I can then refund the core charge whilst I'm away. Otherwise you'll end up waiting until I get home and can get items from the post office and check them off!

Hope that helps,
The core charge is a deposit, which when your old door latch is returned to me, I refund that back to your Paypal account.
Unfortunately my stock of door latches isn't massive anymore, as before I added the core charge, people were just not returning latches to me - which meant that I had to keep buying up latches to refurbish, which then makes it not worth my time doing... given there's about 20 parts in each latch to strip out/clean/check/reassemble - and that's before buying/fitting the new microswitches!

If I'm away working when you are ready to return the old latch (message me first!) then I can get you to send it to a fellow P38 owner who's happy to receive items for me and let me know when they've arrived, so I can then refund the core charge whilst I'm away. Otherwise you'll end up waiting until I get home and can get items from the post office and check them off!

Hope that helps,
Thanks Marty,

That is clear - and sorry I see you do explain this on your site! - my bad...
Only issue is I go to pay and I get 3 *** by the product saying it is not in stock... I need:

Could this an admin error? or am i just unlucky... maybe I could send my existing one in for a workover?

Many thanks
Ah, No that isn't an admin error - it's probably a case of either I don't have one of those latches available (they are pretty rare these days as most that have been replaced were swapped for the second version and the wiring modified) or if I do have one, then it's still in bits awaiting to be rebuilt. (Again, I mainly get requests for the 2nd and 3rd versions - so concentrate on them!)

I am away working now pretty much until the 12th, though have a single day at home at the end of this week, so I will have a look and see if I have one in bits I can get assembled and ready to send.
Alternatively - I have one of the second version latches available, which will fit, and the main 6 way connector will plug in, but the single black ground wire will need the connectors cut off and joined together as they are different.

I am properly back home on the 11th July now (as in for over a week!) so if you are happy to wait until then I am sure I can work out refurbishing your old one.

I'll drop you a PM with my email address - it will be easier to communicate that way, as I check email a lot more often than I'm on the forums!

Just to Finalize this topic/post - I managed to fool that tailgate open switch by bridging with a wire directly. Then I could use the EKA code to start it and drove to Marty...
This guy is a wizard - sorted it all out... I had a bunch of wires short and melt all the way along the floor loom, blowing fuse 15 - this is the feed for the reciver for the key sync.
There was also a short in the roof wires to the rear wiper which was feeding it full 12v when switched off - i drove over with rear wiper flapping like a champ!
It amazing I managed to get it there with out fire or some critical system fail - could easly have dumped voltage to any place and messed the BECM - but Martly traced it all and rewired it all... a very sweet job done well. He also disabled the passive imobalizer for me and this should solve any future issues... Also to note the remote loocking reciver unit had been triggered even without the arieal plugged in - must have been a close strong signal... so causing the door locks to keep motoring on until it burnt out both front central locking motors... which im leaving until I get a solution for the reciever sorted!

Note to self - after parking in swamp DRY OUT ALL carpets and foam bits!
Glad I could help... I'll dig the pics off my phone at some point if I remember and post a couple up... Definitely the worst I've seen with regards to damaged wires - I chopped sections out of/and resoldered/heatshrunk 6 wires from memory. One of which being the F15 feed from BECM to rear lights, RF receiver and tailgate.

One of the wires which was melted to the others in the loom for most of the length of the wire was the rear wiper park switch - it was also one of the ones that was damaged with the others, so my guess is that it's been shorted to 12V and caused a load of melting/trouble - and I think it's killed the rear wiper park switch aswell... I could make it change state on the BECM, but it wouldn't change state when the rear wiper ran.

On the RF side... I'm in collaboration with a couple of mates who have the programming smarts, and we are close to having an inline filtering device which will be plug-and-play for P38's. The idea is that whatever receiver you have fitted, you plug this in and it filters out everything but a P38 key fob - to keep the BECM asleep until a P38 fob transmission is detected, and then it will wake up the BECM to see if it's valid for your vehicle. As far as I can tell, it's what the Gen 3 receivers do - but instead of making a whole new receiver, we're aiming at a 'plug and play' solution... Also aiming for it to be around the £85 mark (including UK shipping) so under 1/3 the cost of a LR offering! Working out the final kinks in the code, and then it will be into a pre-production/testing phase and then hopefully before long will be put into production, and we can offer them to the wider P38 market...
Glad I could help... I'll dig the pics off my phone at some point if I remember and post a couple up... Definitely the worst I've seen with regards to damaged wires - I chopped sections out of/and resoldered/heatshrunk 6 wires from memory. One of which being the F15 feed from BECM to rear lights, RF receiver and tailgate.

One of the wires which was melted to the others in the loom for most of the length of the wire was the rear wiper park switch - it was also one of the ones that was damaged with the others, so my guess is that it's been shorted to 12V and caused a load of melting/trouble - and I think it's killed the rear wiper park switch aswell... I could make it change state on the BECM, but it wouldn't change state when the rear wiper ran.

On the RF side... I'm in collaboration with a couple of mates who have the programming smarts, and we are close to having an inline filtering device which will be plug-and-play for P38's. The idea is that whatever receiver you have fitted, you plug this in and it filters out everything but a P38 key fob - to keep the BECM asleep until a P38 fob transmission is detected, and then it will wake up the BECM to see if it's valid for your vehicle. As far as I can tell, it's what the Gen 3 receivers do - but instead of making a whole new receiver, we're aiming at a 'plug and play' solution... Also aiming for it to be around the £85 mark (including UK shipping) so under 1/3 the cost of a LR offering! Working out the final kinks in the code, and then it will be into a pre-production/testing phase and then hopefully before long will be put into production, and we can offer them to the wider P38 market...
Sounds fabulous! Put me down for one. :)
Sounds fabulous! Put me down for one. :)

Fingers crossed we can get it working fully and properly. Currently about 90% there on it - first tests are promising, with the output looking pretty similar to the Gen 3 receiver - though they use different components, and I have no idea of how they actually do it, as everything that does anything smart is all locked down. We have had to design/build something from scratch... I am sure I'll post up once we've cracked it and produced a number of them ready to make available to the P38 community... we want to be 100% sure that it works as it should and stops the BECM from being woken up all the time!

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