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As i was poodling into work in the early hours of this morning, i suddenly realised what a fantastic driver i had become since getting the rangy back on the road, i am constantly aware of my surroundings(keeping an eye open for any new bits that may fall off!) always aware of my speed(its a bloody diesel, so no chance of a ticket there!) no loud music(to busy listening for new noise's!) don't carry heavy loads, so my emissions should be low(can't get the tailgate open!) environmentaly aware(always park over the drain so the oil/fuel etc leaks don't contaminate the soil!) so all in all i feel that i have become a much better driver, any one else noticed how much better they drive in a landrover product?:p:p:p:p
As i was poodling into work in the early hours of this morning, i suddenly realised what a fantastic driver i had become since getting the rangy back on the road, i am constantly aware of my surroundings(keeping an eye open for any new bits that may fall off!) always aware of my speed(its a bloody diesel, so no chance of a ticket there!) no loud music(to busy listening for new noise's!) don't carry heavy loads, so my emissions should be low(can't get the tailgate open!) environmentaly aware(always park over the drain so the oil/fuel etc leaks don't contaminate the soil!) so all in all i feel that i have become a much better driver, any one else noticed how much better they drive in a landrover product?:p:p:p:p

(Some of) This was absolutely the case for me! I went from a Clio to my P38 and now that it's gone and I'm back to a Clio drive it much slower (to the point of really annoying my mother who is firmly of the belief that you should power up to the red lights :rolleyes: ) The fastest I've taken myself since July is 64.8mph.. and that was skiing :p
Can't say I'm with you on all of it though; what I miss most from mine is the stereo haha, and the oil spills from my service are still on my road :eek:
LOL! what a great post... Ive been driving a lot slower recently due to me putting my foot down a few months back, turning my air intake box to dust! there fantastic fun but everything about them costs money.. im pretty sure my P38 could bankrupt Bill Gates.. Twice over.:)
Agree! Lived in the Middle East for 5 years and my last car was an Aston DB7 - since coming back to Blighty and acquiring a P38 you are dead right!!! Happy days :)
I've had my P38 diesel 2 weeks.

OK so I bought it knowing there was a fault so it was at a reduced price.

So now I'm waiting for the exchange fuel pump to be delivered!

But it still won't be as costly as my friends Jeep Cherokee, he has had to have his heater box removed and repaired twice in the last 3 years. now it's just been fetched back to Leicester from the M25 with a dead engine. It looks like the main loom has chafed through due to it being moved when the gas conversion was being done.

And the Jeep handles like a soggy rice pudding on the bendy roads.
LOL! what a great post... Ive been driving a lot slower recently due to me putting my foot down a few months back, turning my air intake box to dust! there fantastic fun but everything about them costs money.. im pretty sure my P38 could bankrupt Bill Gates.. Twice over.:)
Dead cheap to maintain, unless you have a V8 I suppose:rolleyes:
Agree! Lived in the Middle East for 5 years and my last car was an Aston DB7 - since coming back to Blighty and acquiring a P38 you are dead right!!! Happy days :)

My mate bought a DB7, parked it outside the pub and everyone asked him if he had broken down ha ha. Worse reputation than the P38 :D
A new FIP pump and a set of injectors could cost nearly as much as a top-hat liner block!
Don't be silly, £650 for a recon pump and reconned injectors are not a lot, compared to £2.5K for a top hat block and the new cam and followers that they always seem to need plus skimming the heads etc.:p:p:p
Well I've seen the blocks alone for a reasonable £1,400 which - per kilo - is much better value than a smelly diseasal pump! :D

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