marcus d

New Member
Hi all, I'm a newbie here and have just bought my 1995 P38 4.6HSE. So far I am really enjoying it, only thing is...... the words "gearbox fault" appear every now and then on the display, could this be as bad as I fear??? Is there anything else I should look out for?
Hi, the first thing I'd check is the gearbox oil level. If this is ok, I'd check when the filter was last changed. According to the service manual it only needs doing once during the vehicle's life but I changed mine at 88k and it made a huge difference, engine speed is much lower now....2,500 rpm at 70mph. Hope this helps.
does this happen when you are driving or after you start the engine, partailly flat batteries cause error messages on the display so after you have cranked engine the messeges come up, may need a new battery?
I will check the oil and filter, but i think it was just after start up so maybe the battery, can't make it happen again now. Only thing I have changed is that the back left tyre was down at 10psi:eek: , put it up to 36. That has lifted one corner of the car, could that have anything to do with it?
done quite a few miles today and despite the stop/start the msg has not appeared again. Will keep the battery in mind though. Right now my spare cash is gone on 2 new tyres!!!!

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