
New Member

Took the car out this morning, on the way back home the car wouldn't get over 5mph. Out of gear revs fine, placed into gear it just dies and won't go over 5mph - as if theres no fuel.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Well I had a car once that did that to me a it turn'd out to be the cat had got blocked rev fine when not in gear flat when you try'd to drive it
Do not tunnel vision the problem. It may be fuel, or it may not be. So check things out. Do you have ample fuel to the pressure regulator? After the car dies, does it start easily or with some difficulty? If it starts with some complaining or not at all then pull a plug and see what it looks like. If it's dry, then you may a fuel delivery problem. If it's wet, then mostly likely you don't. If you're not getting enough fuel it could be as simple as replacing a badly clogged fuel filter.

After figuring out if you're getting fuel or not, then you've got to look at spark. And after that air. It's a process.
Well I had a car once that did that to me a it turn'd out to be the cat had got blocked rev fine when not in gear flat when you try'd to drive it

iv had this on a p38 petrol b4 as well.

i cleared it by reving the balls off it in nutral was geting very ****ed off with it at the time. to find a pice of the cat came out the back then i had to empty the rest of te cats thought.

IF YOU DESIDE TO COPY ME DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK, DONT COME CRYING IF YOU BLOW YOUR INJIN UP. i could give a flying f if mine blow up at the time

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