
New Member
Hi guys, fitted front fogs today including switch in the hope they would work but alas not.....need to let the BeCM know they are there. Where can I get this done without going to dealers? In Nottingham btw
Send "Dougdotcom" a PM....He's based in Langley Mill and has the diagnostics for the P38 and can enable it in the Becm no problem.
And I'm amazed that ever since you mentioned it NOBODY else has ever come on here with another one.


Yep it's strange, i have searched and searched but can't find any reference to it. It is not a cocked up one, it is a proper bumper with vent grilles either side of the N/S fog lamp. I have never seen another like it. There must be some around, who ever supplied it can't just have made one. It's just a DSE but has all the genuine Walnut trim in it. Even the special wood trim for the Carin sat nav. Strange one. :):):)
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Right have had a close look at it today. The bumper has been modified. Very, very well modified but modified. Looks like the grill that covers the fog aperture has been cut and fitted into two new openings made in the bumper one either side of the lamp.
The bumper is colour coded so undetectable except on very close inspection. So that sorts that one out.
Wammers, how about posting a picture of your bumper?
I wish to fit fog lights to my DSE auto and it is a mod I am considering.
The alternative is fitting a new cooler if front of the radiator.
I have asked you before.
Wammers, how about posting a picture of your bumper?
I wish to fit fog lights to my DSE auto and it is a mod I am considering.
The alternative is fitting a new cooler if front of the radiator.
I have asked you before.

I'll see if i can find my camera. Cars not here at the moment it's up at my lads on holiday.
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I'd be interested to see that, but I'll wait for you to post the pics on this thread rather than searching for them.

Not being lazy or anything, it's just that if I get caught sitting at the computer at this time of night typing things like "pictures of Wammers' bumper" in to a search engine, no amount of explaining is going to make it sound right :D

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