Phone number might be best removed young man...and throw it on the 'for sale' section...
According to his posts he has a '99 DT which suffers battery drain, the remote keys don't work and the BeCM is out of sync with the engine ECU........... He hasn't mentioned if he fixed any of the faults, seems he's given up and wants to get rid! See, do your homework BEFORE buying a P38! Fun cars but a real can'o'worms if you don't know what you're letting yourself in for.
Are you stupid jarmin?
Why do you think your original post was edited?
Put it in the for sales section or the for sales thread.
No not stupid, didnt know.
Dont understand what the difference is really!
I wanted to advertise it, i did, maybe in the wrong place but it still was seen.
Will repost in for sale now.
You posted far too much personal detail I'm guessing, plus it's in the wrong forum. We'd find it if you put it in the for sale section, no need to tell us. You've got'ave been nuts to post your mobile no or real e-mail address etc, unless you don't want them anymore, after 1/2 day you'd have soooo much spam....... You'll get ribbed on this forum for doing pretty much anything right or wrong, but it's all in good spirit and there's a lot of members I'd buy a pint for any day. Good luck with your sale, and even though it may only have been a short ownership, I think you've experienced the closeness and fun that Land Rovers can bring.
Hehe, it was received in good spirit. Im not into the internet or computers that much so didnt really think about posting my number and the consequences it could bring!!!
So on that score i believe i owe sirus a pint!!! Cheers dude.
It was a short lived ownership but not my last. Ive owned a classic 3.5 V8, this P38 diesel so hopefully my next one will be a L322??? Wishfull thinking.
Thanks to all on the site tho that have helped me out with advice. Great site!!

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