
I have a leakey evaporator on my P38. Has anyone had this replaced and if so how much did it cost? Where is the best place to source one? Is the heater matrix plastic if not might it be a good idea to replace that as well?
by evap do you mean the one in the cab or the one at the front of engine bay? i get confused with em(i'm from the yorkshire you see)

the one in the engine bay is easy to replace and about 120quid to buy. it can be repaired and is more than likely leaking from the front left top corner!
Ha ha I wish it was. Its the bit behind all the shiny stuff inside the car which means that all the shiny wood and leather has to come out.
Hey Sparky thanks for that really really constructive reply. Now tell me something are you sure that you are not someone else I know? No of course not, their name is Cupid Stunt.
Have a nice day out there and be carefull crossing the road.:)
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Only way to replace/remove the evaporator is to remove the complete dash assembly in order to get to the heater assembly. This involves a weekends work and the help of a couple of mates as the dash is cumbersome and heavy. Full removal instructions on RAVE. There is no easy way to do it which will take 20 minutes despite the people who will say "I did it easily whilst having a cup of coffee".
What I will say is, whilst you have got the dash out, change the Blend Motors if you have the Book symbol on the HEVAC and as a matter of course, replace the heater "O" rings. These parts are easily accessible whilst the dash is removed and you have a golden opportunity to do them rather than lay on your back struggling with a saw, made up tools etc. to get to them.
Are you sure that the evaporator is shot and not the condenser. The heater matrix on the P38 is pretty bullet proof, as is the matrix....common problem is the condenser. Some people on here have had success with "Plastic Steel" repairs, but I have preferred to just fit a new condenser. and I have fitted two in four years.

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