
New Member
Hi. Wonder if anybody knows wot cause the error 'engine disabled' on 95 4.6 hse and how it can be fixed

thanks in advance

I already told you in ya other thread FFS how many times are yu gonna ask the same question??

Maybe if you told us what yu've tried, what happened just before the light came on, any work you've had done, other problems with it. then maybe just maybe? someone might be able to figure something out. But we're not all fooking pyschic genius's on ere!! :mad:
ive owned my 1st r/r for less than a month and from what i can gather ive got a lot to look forward to :confused:
Have you paid for it or are you robbing it? :)

Step 1. check out all the threads here on 'keys out of sync' or 'I'm locked out of my rangie'.
Step 2. Don't take redhand to heart, he's all right really and very helpful when the topic suits him but he's around so long now that he's sick of the same threads coming up every second page from people who've not bothered/didn't now how to search the previous threads. Trust me I was one of those!

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