
New Member
Hi y'all
Has anyone here tried one of these electric supercharger thingys on a p38 diesel.
Do they work or are they just plain cack.
They claim 20bhp with the gen3 one and 10 with the gen 2
Your thoughts?


Hi y'all
Has anyone here tried one of these electric supercharger thingys on a p38 diesel.
Do they work or are they just plain cack.
They claim 20bhp with the gen3 one and 10 with the gen 2
Your thoughts?



you'd probably be better bottling farts and putting them in the air box!

i cant see how a small motor would compress the air enough to improve perfomance!

you also, as i understand it, need more fuel and air compressed and pushed into the pots or you will get a lean mix and increased heat during combustion and therefore more wear on the components inside the engine!
Isn't that what the air mass flow meter is for, to monitor how much air is entering the cylinders and adjusting the fuel to suit. I know it will be heavier on the fuel but it is only used as and when the extra oomph is needed via a dash located arm/ disarm switch.
ive never had a supercharged car, and know little about em. ive read a little about them but only with passing interest in a kit car magazine at work. from what i remember to get a good result you need to make the super charger part of an overall power increase job, i.e in addition to upgrading/overhauling the whole engine. obviously this article i read was for enthusiast that squeeze every gram of power from thier engines, usually petrol chevy and rover v8 types.

been reading some stats on an mg forum and the fella got a 1 second improvement on 0-60, for £130 i can wait for a second!

i would do some research and sums before you go installing it, do some tests on the cars current performance at least the you will have a benchmark.

i personally don't think you will get much benefit from that device but then again as i said i know very little as i have never considered supercharging.

during looking up deisel supercharged on google i have come across a deisel supercharged motorcycle!!!
So where does the power to drive the supercharger come from??

...and where does the power to charge the battery come from??

-Wills :)
As an idea of how good these are consider the cost of a 'normal' Range Rover and a Supecharged one ... Are you seriously asking about these pieces of ****e at that price??
As an idea of how good these are consider the cost of a 'normal' Range Rover and a Supecharged one ... Are you seriously asking about these pieces of ****e at that price??

i was trying a more disuasion than outrite dismissal but in a nutshell i agree!!! lol!!!!
Been through this too many times on the ESprit forum, but here goes on thisforum.
Little elcetric driven fan may be capable of moving a few litres of air a seond, lets say 120l / min or 2l/ sec.
The engine is 2.5l, each cylinder opens up to accept fresh air & fuel every two crank revs, so that's 1.25l/ rev, at idle plus a little bit (1000rpm) that's 1250l/ min. Anyone spot where we're going.

The fan can move 1/10th of the required air volume at just tick over, so in effect it's already restricting air flow, so it's not going to push more air throuth the engine, and result in more power, if anything you'll notice a drop.

Maybe it's a REALLY big electric fan, but normally they're not.

In short.
They're SH*T, and a complete waste of money. Better off spending the £5- £50 (depending on which one) on the injectors being cleaned, ither by a bottle of stuff from a auto factor or being removed and cleaned ultrasoically. the spray pattern will improve, as will combustion, so better engine response and more power (closer to original, not more than original).

As an idea of how good these are consider the cost of a 'normal' Range Rover and a Supecharged one ... Are you seriously asking about these pieces of ****e at that price??

YES! seriously, i am asking about these pieces of crap! and now i have some answers. It isn't a conventional blower supercharger i know, i just wanted to know if they were any good or cack, as stated in first post.
Now i know they are the latter, my quest continues....:amen:
you'd probably be better bottling farts and putting them in the air box!

i cant see how a small motor would compress the air enough to improve perfomance!

you also, as i understand it, need more fuel and air compressed and pushed into the pots or you will get a lean mix and increased heat during combustion and therefore more wear on the components inside the engine!

Agreed, this will be total crap. Thought all diesels were inherently lean burn though & only operated at the correct fuel air ratio on or just before full throttle though I agree that to produce more power you will need more fuel with forced induction?
just buy a petrol!!! preferably a 4.6 with a good engine and gas convert it!! you will have all the power you need with a comparable economy to deisel!!

p.s please don't read my thread on petrol engine ive got in mine as it will invalidate the above comment!!! lol!!!!
just buy a petrol!!! preferably a 4.6 with a good engine and gas convert it!! you will have all the power you need with a comparable economy to deisel!!

p.s please don't read my thread on petrol engine ive got in mine as it will invalidate the above comment!!! lol!!!!

:D Read it earlier.
I don't really need much more power but alittle won't hurt. i'm having the chip next week so that'll prob do the trick for me.
:D Read it earlier.
I don't really need much more power but alittle won't hurt. i'm having the chip next week so that'll prob do the trick for me.

a quality chip is all you need tbh. loads more torque and mpg
4.6 lpg engines lol they may be economical till the engine goes caput :rolleyes:

sorry gav :lol:
i know why rr's are prestige, most bankers and property magnate's talk about financial viability all the time! i'm begining to think a p38 is not financially viable on soo many different levels!!
a quality chip is all you need tbh. loads more torque and mpg
4.6 lpg engines lol they may be economical till the engine goes caput :rolleyes:

sorry gav :lol:
I have been looking at the powerbox2 and the psi powerbox, powerbox2 seems to be the cheaper one so i think thats the one i will go for as the result in gain is pretty much the same for both, unless anyone knows different?
the only way to put an end to this discussion is to have the RR dyno'd without one of these electrical chargers and then dyno it with it fitted!
Anyone willing to do this? as im not wasting £50 :) hahahahah!!

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