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My Range rover suspension is play up at the moment when i start the engine the suspension is taking ages to pump up the car is showing no faults, and also when i leave it over night its not going down so as soon as i get in its ar ride hight???????? i have changed the filter and exhaust filter on the comperesser but this is not making any differance, when i use the controls on the dash it flicks between hights but taks a while to do this any idea's?????????????:(
Lots of posts on this lately inc. me & matt p38 ,run through the threads & you'll get a feel for the common faults. Mine was working good til had a fault with a height sensor then it started to slow up like yours. Got inside compressor (easy enough) to find as predicted the teflon seal was sha66ed & have ordered one off e-bay (P38 SPARES) so hopeful that the f1cker doesn't croak terminally, as putting it back like it was now has absolutely no response from the suspension though no fault lights or messages as yet!
I may be lucky!! Some price though for a washer!!!
Cheers GGG i have done the same as you im waiting for the part to arrive myself as i was looking back though the threads, i'll pray it come befor any damage happrens
Do you find a certain comfort being in the sh12 and not being alone?!?!?!?!
Hope we both get a result, I'll post anything worth knowing Good Luck GGG
Thanks for that let me know how you get on i spoke to mm4x4 in worcestershire yesterday they told me that it might just need the memory clearing for a cost of £20 , i'll think once i have changed the seal i'll give that ago.
Seal arrived (brilliant service from P38 SPARES) & looks like problem resolved though took a bit of a run in the car for it to respond as at first it didn't work at all well but now as good as it ever was!! The job itself was a bit of a tw@t but with time & patience it was ok A couple of dodgy moments but if you're at all confident & fairly well tooled up should be no bother. Instructions were included which is dead helpful but a simple "now loosen hex nut.." is a HTF**K do you do that & with what?!??!?! Getting the sealing ring off the old seal was not the doddle it seemed & a good emery board is essential to clean up the burrs & sharps that were inevitable.
Any how all's well that ends well , thanks for advice & update in due course. Now just to sort the crap performance ...........
thanks for letting me know mate , im still waiting for mine so hopefully it will be here soon and i can crack on
Collected the piston seal today and fitted it to my compressor, this seems to have done the trick , many thanks for all the help people gave its not a hard job todo and much cheaper than buying a new compressor,
i too had same probs, it went to access level over night, this i found was down to a slow puncture, causing it to not sit level even on flat ground, the other prob was it took ages to rise and when the tank emptied it took ages to fill, got the piston, crank and cylinder assembly complete (£80 island 4x4) and fitted it in 15 mins, problems gone, instantly gone, brilliant.
a friend of mine fitted just the seal and it didnt last long at all, 2/3 months if that. think he only paid £30 for it but money wasted realy............
Good info. & feedback for all us fellow sufferers,I've used Island 4x4 & they are v.good value for the like of these parts.So did the compressor refurb. also deal with the puncture you mentioned or was that a separate fix?

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