Pin 16 of OBD2 socket is a direct 12v supply from fuse F33 via the white C102 connector behind RH kick panel.
Pin 4 on OBD2 socket should be a ground back to the earth stub behind RH kick panel via a splice S207 somewhere on the way.
The F33 fuse had blown, I now have 12 volts and also a good earth on Pin 4.
still getting not connection.
I have had my Serial to USB lead output tested with another laptop and this is working fine.
I'm now thinking its my OBD lead......unless anyone has any other suggestions
Thanks for all replies.
That's weird. At the start you'd checked F33 and it was OK so it has blown during this process.
Yes..... that's what crossed my mine, even double checked to see if it was one of the fuses which had been mentioned.
But if the fuse was ok the first time and has blown while pulling other things apart who know's. I've now replaced it and still have the same problem when I checked the fuse first time round.
Its seems this has exhausted everyone's I will buy a new EAS lead
Yes..... that's what crossed my mine, even double checked to see if it was one of the fuses which had been mentioned.
But if the fuse was ok the first time and has blown while pulling other things apart who know's. I've now replaced it and still have the same problem when I checked the fuse first time round.
Its seems this has exhausted everyone's I will buy a new EAS lead
Anyone close to Hull with one that you can try ?
I had the same symptoms with my eas, it would only work after much cleaning and holding the lead forcibly at a certain angle. Ended up cutting off the OD B socket in the car and resoldering a new one. They are available with tails attached from specialist suppliers. Fixed my problem straight away now all good connection everytime.
Thanks for posting that.....but I have ordered another from Datatek
Giving this thread an over due bump wondering if @Colin from Hull got to the bottom of the problem, friend of mine has got the chance of a 2001 p38 cheap thats gone into eas hard fault and software giving same readings just getting p in receive box, have told him to pick up another eas delay relay after reading wammers post.
No diagnostic supply voltage needed for the EAS. Comm port 4 is usually the one that works set in the drop down menu in the EAS home screen from "Set Up". There are only 4 wires needed for the EAS diagnostic cable.
The usual problem is the USB to serial driver being loaded after the adaptor is plugged in or the Vista OS which can be very difficult to get working.
Every thing done by the book that`s what`s got me stumped hence wondering if colin got his sorted it might just give us a clue which way to go, and its nice to see you still around Datatek another member whose knowledge is invaluable.

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