
New Member
Had recurring EAS fault for some three weeks or so now . Very friendly and patient specialist ( Mark at MID Engineering just outside Wantage Oxfordshire, super guy who knows his onions, top bloke recommend him for any 4x4 landrover work..) dialled out faults on diagnostics for me three times now.
I changed pressure switch on advice of the diagnostics display ( "Pressure switch not changing state").... All Ok for 2 weeksagain, then ...EAS FAULT warning appears again tonight....bugger...Christmas tree lights all on, eas fault on display plus dreaded beeps and "do not exceed 35mph".:(

Suspected leak somewhere as I did note that height indicator lights were taking long time to stop flashing when driving home last couple of evenings prior to fault warning and the old bus seemed to be sagging to rear off side slightly. So I have checked with soapy water all airlines and air springs, also checked airlines into valve block same way and all OK in same manner...no bubbles or hissing.. then unplugged compressor and put 12volts through it direct..again all working OK, sucks finger when placed over inlet,THEN noticed big bubbles coming through air escape valve filter on side of valve block..VOILA and question!
Does this mean there is a valve/solenoid stuck open, thus preventing suspension inflating and therefore fault warning coming up???????? I think that is case but input would be greatly appreciated, and if any practical solutions.
Can I carefully take solenoid/Valve apart and clean and re assemble, if so which valve unit would I go for? OR Am I in for a new valve block ( Money is an issue just at present)? Or is there any other solution. I can wield a spanner and a screwdriver given some helpful hints/direction. If anybody could advise/help me out, you would have my gratitude and a beer or three on me if it works and you are ever in my neck of the woods. (Swindon/Oxfordshire border). Thanks in anticipation.:)
Can't help with the operation of the system as I've not had my RR a week yet so I'm still learning. But I can tell you there are rebuild kits for the valve blocks out there for sale. O rings kits are about £25 and diaphrams are a bit more. Not sure on forum rules about name checking suppliers but if you type "p38 eas valve block rebuild kit" into Google you'll come accross UK based suppliers.
The 'pressure switch not changing state' fault is rarely due to the pressure switch. Its normally down to either leaks/worn compressor or a faulty driver pack. If you have a worn compressor or a bad leak the compressor stays on longer than the ECU is expecting trying to bring the system up to 10bar. It then registers this as a fault with the pressure switch.
In your case you have found a real leak. Try rover-renovations, they do a full valve block rebuild o-ring kit and have excellent instructions on their website.
If you decide to get a rover-renovations O ring kit then I have a brand new unopened kit sat here that you can have cheap ! ;)
I also have 15 metres of 6mm airline if anyone needs it
Oh and one of them manual inflation devices to get you home if your rangie goes into hard fault

mods - sorry for the blatant "bits for sale " plug - just thought they were maybe relevant to the post :eek:
When I had a problem with my EAS I had a chat with the "Airsuspensiondoctor" on E-bay who was very very helpful ,Iam sure he would be able to sort this out.
Thank you all for your info. This site is the dogs for info on sorting out anything for a RR!!

EAS all sorted after ploughing through whole system, readin g every thread I could find and using http://www.rangerovers.net/, had recently fitted new pressure switch, (in hindsight probably unecessary ref. SpudH above), did a valve block check and clean + rebuild with O-Ring kit (thanks V8 kenny for the offer but already had a kit from P38 Spares), still getting poor system response and fault display kept returning.....checked all airlines and connections with soapy water,, no luck..checked airbags no leaks!!! Diagnostics showed no fault other than pressure switch or sticking valve...all pointed to "soft" compressor, which was only 9 months old.

I was real P***ed off by now, but I then noticed a saggy rear offside, not much but definitely leaning ..so a did a proper job of jacking up car and extending the air spring out and that was the biggie, the root of the problem absolutely, rubber bladder had perished to point where fabric casing was showing and fraying....doh.doh...doh

Having now fitted two new air springs off the web, all seems fine. I'll post a new thread on how easy/fiddly it was to do but it was not difficult if you dont mind dirty fingernails and a bit of "application" but do read up all the info you can get off the web on RR EAS issues, there is a fair bit and all useful, lots with pictures as well of what you will see and need to do.
Hi posted yesterday ( June 11th) at 21.19 hrs entitled 'EAS...Hurrah and thank you landyzone...i go on a bit so it ain't short but I hope it may help someone out there sometime..cheers :D


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