
New Member
If I don't have enough problems with the overheating issue driving home today she is now vibrating like mad . Is worse between 30 and 40 in any gear . Higher gears the vibration i. s reduced but still there. I have not long had the tyres balanced. I was told about a buckle in one rear one this may have worsened. But still weird. I have had weird squeaking noise as well over past two days but think it's my viscous fan. Still. Annoying. Vibration is felt thought whole car. Including peddles and steering wheel but worse is gear stick. Any light that can be shed I'd always a help
might sound daft,but ive read posts on here about vibrations and they have been down to viscous fan failing or missing blades..as you already have a overheating problem and as wammers said in your earier post that the fan is fubar then i would investigate that 1st..ive heard they can also come off and into your rad ;)
Right will get wheels checked today. She's also mega stiff in reverse has always been that way . I can get fan belt and push down to bottom pulley thinks it's loose it has always slipped after going though puddle or Ford so I changed crank dampened to help combat but has made no odds. Will pop prop of later see if that helps
That was a no to wheel alignment. Vibration has got to bad to drive. Something has become of centre to the point it shakes the whole truck after 25mph. Truck of road stuck as to where to start. Got old escort to see me though but need to make a start. Thinking drive shaft end bearing or something of that nature
Propshaft loose / uj or engine or gearbox mounting when its cold you can take the fan off and drive it around the block to see if it goes but by the sound if is its more serious than that .if it were the wheel balance your steering would slightly wobble on the fronts that is .
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