
New Member
Just wondering, how many miles do you get from a tank, i.e. from full to the brim down to the red light coming on?

How much is a full tank of diesel these days, £110? More?

Yes but that is his car in his environment. How much mileage you get from a tank totally depends on where you are, what you use the car for and how you drive it. Ten miles worth of stop start town driving in a town with a few hills every day, will give a lot different mileage than someone who pulls onto a motorway or dual carriageway every day and drives five miles to work and back. I think Keith lives in a reasonably traffic free area with open roads. He will get totally different figures to somone who lives in hilly Blackburn for example. At say £1.34 per litre a tank is around £120.00.
whats an average tank expectation though, appreciating everyone drives differently that surely only swings it +/- 50miles - so are we talking 400 from a tank, 300, 200 etc?
whats an average tank expectation though, appreciating everyone drives differently that surely only swings it +/- 50miles - so are we talking 400 from a tank, 300, 200 etc?
weather, terrain, type of driving, and a big foot could change 30-40% EASY On one of my pickup has mpg gauge i have been as low as 4mpg but on a motor way be getting 20mpg. same truck just different conditions
Yesterday we travelled from Essex to the Southern France, 625 miles consumed 25.5 gallon of diesel, works out at 24.5 MPG, about 20 miles only on single carriage way roads.

Travelling on the auto-route about 80 mph, air-con on most of the way down, not trying to save fuel just keeping up with the traffic, 2 adults/2 kids plus luggage for 2 weeks.

The diesel tank has a 90 litre (20 gallon) capacity, so should be around 500 mile to a tank, Datatek has an auto with cruise control which will help (I believe), plus the northern half of France is fairly flat which will also help to an extent.
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weather, terrain, type of driving, and a big foot could change 30-40% EASY On one of my pickup has mpg gauge i have been as low as 4mpg but on a motor way be getting 20mpg. same truck just different conditions

yeah sure, but I'm talkinb about Joe averag with no mountains, temp extremes, towing, who does a bit of town driving and some motorway action (so gets 20mpg to 25mpg) which probably includes say 50/60% of DT owners, like me.
I can drive flat out and reduce my tank miles significantly I agree, but lets say I stay sensible, not try too hard but not drive like I stole it - is 300 reasonable expectation?
Ok so you say about 20 mpg times the tank size equals distance for the tank simple math. If I knew how many gallons of fuel your tank was i could do it for you
Yes but that is his car in his environment. How much mileage you get from a tank totally depends on where you are, what you use the car for and how you drive it. Ten miles worth of stop start town driving in a town with a few hills every day, will give a lot different mileage than someone who pulls onto a motorway or dual carriageway every day and drives five miles to work and back. I think Keith lives in a reasonably traffic free area with open roads. He will get totally different figures to somone who lives in hilly Blackburn for example. At say £1.34 per litre a tank is around £120.00.

totally agree, but could be used as a reference, no one will ever get exactly the same even with the same car on the same journey,
I have filled up three times since buying the car, light first comes on at about 700 km but tank seems good for 800km so 500 miles to a tank, but only if you are prepared to drive for a while with the light on. Costs around €110 to fill it, so a bit over 20cents a mile. Would be around 20p a mile in the UK.

This is typically 75% motorway driving at 70ish and the rest town or country roads. I do drive it gently, so think this probably represents about the best you could realistically expect....

Not too bad really!

Hope this is useful input

Mine is a manual gearbox btw, and these figures are with a/c off


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I've never actually completely filled it to the brim to be honest.. gets fookin expensive and I can't help thinking dragging around that amount of fuel in weight would reduce the overall mpg (like towing a bowser!!)
Mind you not like the car doesn't weigh anything anyway.. :)
Yesterday travelled from Essex to the Southern France, 625 miles consumed s25.5 gallon of diesel, works out at 25.42 MPG, about only 20 miles on single carriage way roads.

Travelling on the autoroute about 80 mph, aircon on most of the way down, not trying to save fuel just keepng up with the traffic 2 adults/2 kids plus luggage for 2 weeks.

Welcome to the Dordogne - hope the weather cheers up a bit for you soon :)
I've never actually completely filled it to the brim to be honest.. gets fookin expensive and I can't help thinking dragging around that amount of fuel in weight would reduce the overall mpg (like towing a bowser!!)
Mind you not like the car doesn't weigh anything anyway.. :)

Correct just keep enough fuel onboard to do what you have to do. 90 litres weighs in at around 154 pounds. The more fuel you carry the more fuel you use.
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Was only after a rough guide - as TAH says, -/+ 50 miles for driving style and conditions in normal use, so we looking at 300/400 miles to a tank? 500 even??

Cheers zzr1200 - that is great as one of the uses will be driving down to the Alps in ski season with 4 adults and a lot of luggage. How many miles did you get from a tankful then? Sorry, no idea how big a P38 diesel tank is!
Was only after a rough guide - as TAH says, -/+ 50 miles for driving style and conditions in normal use, so we looking at 300/400 miles to a tank? 500 even??

Cheers zzr1200 - that is great as one of the uses will be driving down to the Alps in ski season with 4 adults and a lot of luggage. How many miles did you get from a tankful then? Sorry, no idea how big a P38 diesel tank is!

Please read all the post, and you would see wammers on post 11 stated the tank size

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