
New Member
Hi guys

Im new to the site as i need help i thought you guys would be the best to help

Ok its a 98 DSE one day it worked the next morning it just cranks over and will not start, it wont pop or anything

this car has been 100% reliable for nearly a year and 23K miles, its never had any problems apart from the occasional bulb and some tyres

There is no error mesages on the screen and no lights on, on the dash

I have checked every fuse and relay in the car

i have checked the lift pump and it pumps fuel out all the way up the pump as soon as i turn the key, there is no bubbles in the line running to the FIP and all the other pipes have been checked and are in tact

I tested the stop solenoid and it seemed fine but i bought a new one and tried that as well with no luck

i have also checked to see if power is getting to the solenoied and it is

I have cracked off the injectors to see if any fuel will come out while cranking and nothing

so i know there is fuel getting to the FIP, it even weeps fuel out from where the solenoid fits if i loosen it off

there are no errors on the screen and i dont think there is any electrical problems as power is getting down to the solenoid when the ignition is switched on

So it looks as though its the pump itself??

Or is there any other way the fuel can be stopped electronically that i have not noticed??

Has anyone out there got any ideas??

or is there a way i can test the pump in situe??

And if anyone knows of a downloadable manual that explains how to get the pump out and replaced that would be very helpfull as that looks like the next step unfortunatly

thanks in advance guys :)
your manual can be found here

your car probably needs a security relearn (got it in there before some other fella does!!!!!)

it seems quite a common fault on the diesel of late so have a bit of a search for more info!
Cheers for the reply mate

One thing though if its something to do with the alarm, the only way i thought the alarm can stop the car running is via the stop solenoid on the pump and thats fine and power is getting to it fine

please correct me if im wrong


i'm not to familiar with diesel but if you have a search round then you'll find there are a lot of diesel non starters, if, as you said, there is only the solenoid then it's got to be pump or timing, theres nothing else is there.

i know i spent ages trying to start my petrol, only to find it was in drive and wouldnt turn over for obvious reasons!
I have someone coming to plug a computer into it today to see if this becm code thing mite have somthing to do with it??

i will post my results later
well hes been and it runs

it was an emobilizer lock out all though it said nothing on the screen??

he wiped it and it runs perfect now
SECURITY RE-LEARN! told ya! now bow to the superior knowledge(gleaned from landy zone i might add)

glad to hear its running mate, i have no idea why they need this relearn malarky, i am assuming the car thinks its bieng attacked and changes its codes, even new cars do it and its thought that it could be something to do with other cars key fobs or even mobile phone masts, whatever the reason, try not to park it in the same place as you did when it first happened! maybe someone has got a new wireless device or something on your street!
hi i had this ,we think it was the battery going flat or like gavbriggs said the rf receiver playing havoc(wi-fi,mobile phones etc).
it flattened a brand new 110ah battery in two days.
the rf receiver is under the rear o/s shelf(in boot).you can buy a uprated one for around 150 of your hard earned pounds or i cut the single blue wire leaving about 3" of wire on.
this reduces aerial range but the keyfob still works fine near the car.(i would disconnect the wire before cutting it just in case it upsets something).
it seems to have done the trick (touch wood)
hope this helps

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