
New Member
Hi Guys..

I have a headlining issue...but its not like the other posts about the actual lining fabric sagging. Mine seams to the be whole unit itself not just the fabric.

I have water (relatively small amounts) making its way in from the front drivers A-piler top (I have roof bars so was wondering if its getting in that way) or via the drivers door seal corner maybe?

Anyway - the headlining (the light unit) and where the sunroof would be (I don't have one) is lower than the roof - you can push the whole thing back up (about 1inc or just under).

Having read a few guides on how to remove the thing... I notice that there isn't actually anything holding the centre of the unit up other than its own rigidity... so my question is probably this. Can you strengthen the headlining? I read that its fibreglass... so can it be reinforced with a few additional layers to hold the weight or would you just glue the roof headlining to the roof? and if so with what.

I'll also have to sort out the water as well which seams to come in via the top of the drivers A-piller then runs along the leading edge of the headlining to the centre (by the lights)....
ive got the exact same problem with mine, ive looked everywhere/ tried everything to find where its coming in from but no joy. Its getting to the point were im thinking of taking the whole headlining out and just leaving it for a while to see where its coming in from. Im guessing that the actual headlining structure is shot on mine it moves quite abit more than an inch like yours. Ive found brand new genuine ones for £250. but until ive had it serviced in feb thats on hold!
I'm of the same mind as you at the moment mate... currently looking at a new (or should I say replacement) gearbox first but wanted to research the job.

As soon as I can - I'll be whipping the headlining out and doing the same as you... wait until it leaks at catch the little bugger.
mine was body seam by roof rail the sealant went and it tracked across.
Possibly the pollen filter area for foot well or screen bonding
mine was body seam by roof rail the sealant went and it tracked across.
Possibly the pollen filter area for foot well or screen bonding

Body Seam by Roof Rail ... How did you fix that then?

Pollen filter... will reseal the filter covers then with a tab of silicon to start with.
Body Seam by Roof Rail ... How did you fix that then?

Pollen filter... will reseal the filter covers then with a tab of silicon to start with.

silicone or tiger seal the seam and mist hose round offending area in warmer weather to find leak
ive heard the seams can be the cause, but im just trying not to think about it and work myself into a fit about it! as soon as the bigger jobs are done on her and the weather has warmed up ill rip the bloody thing out and drive around with no headlining until ive found the leak!

Oh i did try resealing the windscreen but with no avail!

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