I may get silicone pipe but I'm aware that diesel may affect the silicone. I'll buy some small cable ties also just incase.

Also I realise that obd was later introduced on diesel engines than petrol.

I did manage to get eas software and cable but that only does the suspension.

At some stage I will purchase an old laptop and try source all the relevent programs for each of the modules. If it is possible.

Non return valve also I need to fit.

Just been goggling there also and it seems no4 injector has common problem with spill pipe leaking, read from other threads on this site.

Roll on the weekend. Gonna be a busy boy, the Mrs will not be a happy bunny!
Silicone pipe is no good, the car will stink of diesel after a while even if you cannot see any leaks.
You will not get software to run on a laptop for the other systems unless you manage to pick up an old bit of kit built by Blackbox solutions that is dedicated to the p38 diesel, there current pics of kit is the nanocom and very good it is
As far as I am aware no generic obd readers will work a p38 diesel is a very fussy beast when it comes to diagnostics
Faultmate Extreme runs with or without a laptop.
Check the LZIR map. There might be someone near you with a Nanocom who can help out. Otherwise you'll be guessing until you've replaced the whole engine. Not sure what Snapon can read but you might get lucky. The professional stuff must work I guess.

Leak off pipe: you want the decent Bosch stuff. Dopey has a polish mate who brings it back from Germany because he says all the stuff in this country is utter sh!te. Given the issues we see on here he might be right. Stay away from Sh!tpart whatever you do. You could have mine for free just to get it out my shed but to be honest I wouldn't want to give it to anyone.
Bosch don't make leak off pipe, it's just badged.
Silicone starting to expand and fade already.

Searched eBay found these


I have brand new fuel leak off pipe sitting so going to purchase those spring clips above.

Also found that some of the injector nipples had crud on side of them. Thinking that would not enable seal I cleaned it off, very little crud, then placed hose back on. Still hissing.

So I will wait until those clips come and use them with the correct leak off pipe.

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