
Hi all, has anyone had any experience of using bio-fuel in the DSE? There is a company up in the hills that sell good quality bio for 60p per litre, that's almost half the price of bloody diesel at the moment, just wanted to see if anyone has used it and if there were any problems I should look out for...


if you type bio fuel into the search this forum at top right of page there has been loads on the subject,where in the hills I am in littleborough not far from rawtenstall cheers tony.
ok I will check it out,it seems like it depends what injection pump you have if your not sure call in to bury diesels the owner is called tommy,and there isnt much he doesnt know about diesels.
Thanks for that, I will call in and see him, I went over to the place that sells the bio-fuel last week and he says that loads of Range Rovers go in there and it's up to me if I want to mix it with diesel or not as he says its fine without (hardly Mr Personality though !!!) but hey, cheap fuel from a miserable bloke....count me in.:D
Lots of info on American sites about Bio-Diesel. If it has been properly refined to take out the Glycerides, then it should be OK. Trouble is, how do you know if the process has been done properly? Raw veggie oil produces lots of gummy deposits. so you pays your money and takes your choice. Unless you do very high mileage, I don't think it's worth the risk as the savings would not be huge. If I could find a supply of used veggie oil I would have a go at refining it myself though, then I could be sure of the quality.
If I could find a supply of used veggie oil I would have a go at refining it myself though, then I could be sure of the quality.

That the penalty of NOT having a GOOD fish & Chip Shop in France Data!!!!:D:D:D:D:D SUN, SEA, SAND, SEX. ...... But NO Chippys!!!!!
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Lots of info on American sites about Bio-Diesel. If it has been properly refined to take out the Glycerides, then it should be OK. Trouble is, how do you know if the process has been done properly? Raw veggie oil produces lots of gummy deposits. so you pays your money and takes your choice. Unless you do very high mileage, I don't think it's worth the risk as the savings would not be huge. If I could find a supply of used veggie oil I would have a go at refining it myself though, then I could be sure of the quality.

If you buy some you can test it for pH and fat content etc just like you would do before processing vegetable oil. It might seem like a lot of effort but would put your mind to rest.
If you buy some you can test it for pH and fat content etc just like you would do before processing vegetable oil. It might seem like a lot of effort but would put your mind to rest.
how can you test for ph and fat is there a kit available?
well my new shed arrives tomorrow and then im going building my own bio diesel set up. have access to WVO as i own a restaurant will update the forum when im up and running
That the penalty of NOT having a GOOD fish & Chip Shop in France Data!!!!:D:D:D:D:D SUN, SEA, SAND, SEX. ...... But NO Chippys!!!!!

Lower taxes,:D lower fuel costs:D no road tax:D:D and no spendthrift O.E.S.I. (refer to Clarkson for explanation of O.E.S.I.):violent: The fish and chips I can live without, we do have curry and chinese tho:)
Lower taxes,:D lower fuel costs:D no road tax:D:D and no spendthrift O.E.S.I. (refer to Clarkson for explanation of O.E.S.I.):violent: The fish and chips I can live without, we do have curry and chinese tho:)

you also have frogs legs and snails!!
tried frogs legs a few months back while in spain. they were ok, not amazing. hard to get the head round what they look like! i draw the line at snails
Snais are better than frogs legs if they are done properly and you like garlic. Sometime they are difficult to avoid if out for dinner at friends!
how can you test for ph and fat is there a kit available?

Research how to make biodiesel and it'll explain it in the first few steps, don't quote me on testing pH, but testing the fat content requires methanol titration which is messy business.

how can you test for ph and fat is there a kit available?

Research how to make biodiesel and it'll explain it in the first few steps, don't quote me on testing pH, but testing the fat content requires methanol titration which is messy business.

Guess an easier test would be to buy some and leave it sit, see if anything settles out; and mix it with water, shake it up and see if any foam/soap appears, if not then it has been washed ok.
Research how to make biodiesel and it'll explain it in the first few steps, don't quote me on testing pH, but testing the fat content requires methanol titration which is messy business.

Guess an easier test would be to buy some and leave it sit, see if anything settles out; and mix it with water, shake it up and see if any foam/soap appears, if not then it has been washed ok.
cheers for that I will give it a go that way,does anybody know if the bmw engine will run ok on it if its cleaned properly as I read once that it depends on the injection pump used?
cheers for that I will give it a go that way,does anybody know if the bmw engine will run ok on it if its cleaned properly as I read once that it depends on the injection pump used?

well as i understand it, when WVO has been chemicly changed and it becomes Biodiesel its sutable for nearly every engine, as where WVO is too viscous to be used straight for most engines.

have a look on - Powered by XMB that will explain nearly everything you need to know about it
Thanks for that, I will call in and see him, I went over to the place that sells the bio-fuel last week and he says that loads of Range Rovers go in there and it's up to me if I want to mix it with diesel or not as he says its fine without (hardly Mr Personality though !!!) but hey, cheap fuel from a miserable bloke....count me in.:D
well I have at last plucked up the courage to try bio diesel and I wish I had done it sooner,up to now mine seems to like it better than ordinary diesel,runs smoother and cleaner, designsap was right about the misserable bloke he only smiled once that was when I handed over the cash and he now charges 80p per litre but at least gordon browns not having his greedy hands on any of it.I have put a glass bowl type fuel filter in line so I can keep an eye on it as I have read that bio acts as a cleaner and will clean old deposits which will collect in the fuel filter,I just hope it keeps running as well as it is at the moment,I will keep you posted.

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