Well I've downloaded Rave. On going through the circuit diagram I'm of the opinion it's either the ECU, BECM or earth somewhere.

When I get chance I'll clean all the earths again and if not it's an auto electrician I reckon
Well. I've cleaned the earths. No different.

Tried another battery - No different.

Cleaned battery terminal and posts - You guessed it - No different.

It's got to be a connection somewhere. But all are connected and earths are fine.

I reckon it'll be a trip to a RR specialist:mad:
Are you sure something isnt shorting our rather than a bad earth. The desription you gave of connecting a jump lead to the engine and getting lots of sparking sounds more like something is pulling huge current and sucking your main battery right down.
There's no sparks when attaching the battery leads.

Only sparks when attaching the earth lead to the engone when ignition is on and battery charger on.

I've checked all live connections and even disconnected them and it's still the same.

The only way to sop the ticking is remove relay 19.

I've disconnected pump, sensors. alternator and pump plugs individually and it makes no difference.

I've had a jump lead from body / battery to engine no different.

Maybe a live not as good as it could be? Current being drawn causing issues (although it's a new battery and jump start charger). I'll try and re address the live terminal to cables and starter (clean them again)
Is your replacement starter new as I had the same on my 110, starter span ok off the car but huge current drain when on the car.
Is your replacement starter new as I had the same on my 110, starter span ok off the car but huge current drain when on the car.

Starter isn't new. I've got two s/h (Including the one that came with engine) and a refurb. All the same:mad:
Did you ever get it running?

I have almost exactly the same problem, relay 19 clicks and the car wont fire up.
Difference is my starter spins fine.
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Probably best to start a new thread with your symptoms and car details. Pity they never put up the final solution on this one.

In RAVE (see Wammer's posts in the How To to section to see where to download) there is a section in the Electrical Troubleshooting Guide on starting (section B2). Might help.

Yes, it turned out to be the earth wire to the block. Even though I thought it was tight it wasn't.

Tightened it up some more and it fired up straight away.

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