
New Member
Contemplating buying a P38 had a 1997 2.5dse few years back
had so many problems spent 3 months of the 5 months i had it
back at the dealer .
was i unlucky ? or are they all like this .

found a nice 1996 with a coil spring conv , 130,000 on

what do u rekon :confused:
Contemplating buying a P38 had a 1997 2.5dse few years back
had so many problems spent 3 months of the 5 months i had it
back at the dealer .
was i unlucky ? or are they all like this .

found a nice 1996 with a coil spring conv , 130,000 on

what do u rekon :confused:

Post 99 models are supposedly better:D
i own a 1997 P38 DSE,had it for over a year now,had a problem when i let the battery run flat and had to have the BECM unlocked,apart from that it's the best car i've ever owned,i visit this site regulary and hear all sorts of stories,but mine ticks over like a swiss clock,gets me from the south of France to London without a problem and as for off road they're a no brainer!
ive replaced engine in mine, 4.0 96. two air bags, water pump, wheels, tyres, oil pressure switch, and lpg ecu but ive only had it just over a year!!!

theres loads of other stuff too but i cant remember it all!!!

check everything thrice if your buying one, especially check for coolant loss/issues!!!
I would say if you don't do your own repairs don't touch one. If you do be prepared to lose a few weekends throughot the year fixing nigling problems. They don't have to cost a lot in parts but can use up a lot of workshop hours
I have had my DSE 4 years and i have replaced 2 air springs, waterpump, theremostst and a brake light switch and also a blend motor and a drivers door latch, cant grumble about that
when the BECM decided to go into a huff i didn't have a clue as to the reason,but people on this site helped a lot in ascertaining the cause of the problem,and as PHANTOM 21 says,if you do things yourself,it will cost you less(bleeding obvious really)
I personaly love the P38,the proportions are superb,from a distance it looks like a chunky MPV,but when you get up close and open the door ,you can just slide onto the seat.
The 3rd model(L****)looks as though it's on steroids,the proportions are messed up,as for the new one,well thats for the drug dealers

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