
New Member
hi all p38 fans,my p38 diesel has all ov a sudden developed a cold starting problem.she used to start well almost first turn but now im on the key for a good while till she rattles up to life with a good puff ov white/grey smoke,im currently looking for any good advice,,thanks to all regards john.
I'd check to see if your lost your power supply to or your glow plugs are unservicable.

You can pick up a set of glow plugs for about 24 quid on fleabay...
Before you check your glow plugs, on your first start in the morning, have the bonnet up ready, turn the ignition on and check the clear plastic pipe between the fuel filter and the injector pump. If you see bubbles of air, fuel is running back. Also, a tell tale sign of this is that you'll get one quick crack of the engine as it uses the fuel in the pump, then it will stop and you'll have to wind it over and over - almost to the point of flattening the battery.
If this is the problem, check the leak off pipes on top of the injectors. Also, the very last one against the bulk head has a rubber blanking cap, very prone to splitting. You'll know which injector is causing the problem cos it will be damp around it. Also, number 4 has a wire coming out (expensive one!). This tends to leak around the wire.
Happy searching and good luck!
mine just started doin the same thing will crank away till batery nearly flat then she fires up & runs perfect its only when cold i say it must be glo plugs but im no expert do yu guys recon i should bang a new set a glo plugs in is it a easy diy job
hi again ive looked at the clear pipe as mensioned but no bubbles or any leaks found,does this mean its time to look at the heater plug system,is there any triks ov the trade for doing this,my battery has given up so swaped it with a new one useing the jump lead trick to save any hastle.the car is realy strugling to start now the mornings are cold.but allways fires up once warm with no probs at all, please help before my starter dropes off,thanks again regards john:confused:

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