
Active Member
Hey Up Peepz,

I would like to know these pipes are in the engine bay as one is leaking oil.
I cant access RAVE atm but I wondered if you could help diagnose it please.

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Any ideas what this connects to and/or why its leaking.

Cheerz in Advance,

They're the engine oil cooler pipes. There's lots of threads on here (search) about these leaking through old age. The good news is they don't have a reputation for blowing off but can involve replacing the oil cooler as well as the pipes if you fix it the 'proper' way. I've put a cheap and cheerful method up in the 'how to' section. Mine are still fine after doing this last year, 30k miles and not a drip.

RAVE is available free off the interweb; download it - it is very informative and having it side steps a usual line of **** take.
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You sure it's the pipes leaking and not the oil filter top? Unusual to see a leak at the bottom there, check the fixings are tight.

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