Reading all that makes me think there are some really knackered auto diesels about.
Auto Diesel....

(Holy thread resurrection that a record??)
What's the use of a luxury motor when you have to change gear yourself. It means having to take your phone away from your ear to often for my liking. :D:D:D

Doesn't one have a driver for changing gear?:D:D:D you want to give up making those heavy breathing phone calls, they will catch you oneday:D:D
Doesn't one have a driver for changing gear?:D:D:D you want to give up making those heavy breathing phone calls, they will catch you oneday:D:D

One thing i have found out is if you are doing 80 or 90 on the motorway it's easier to text if you steer with your knees. Never been good at one hand texting. :D:D:D
I have a manual diesel. It isn't that much slower than the 4.6 petrol although nowhere near as refined.

Heavy clutch? Is it buggery. Not if it is working properly. My missus isn't the strongest person in the world and she's never even thought to comment.

The only place the manual does struggle a bit (in that you need too many revs to pull away for my liking) is on hill-starts when it is steep and you are towing. Other than that it is more sprightly than the auto and I suspect better mpg.

The other place an auto can be of advantage is off-road, although the control in low range is brilliant anyway.

Would I switch to an auto? Only if I win some serious cash and upgrade to a 4.6!

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