Cos it's a diesel and the factory fitted air filter does exactly what it's supposed to do. and you can't count
No - go and drive along a country road and splash through a few puddles, pull over, open bonnet and take a look at the inside of your engine bay - hopefully this will make it a bit more clear as to why you don't want a K&N...

-Wills :)
I wouldn't fit a K&N cone type filter if that's what you mean. Firstly because the filtering capability is suspect (see many published reports on this) and secondly because unless you engineer a sophisticated inlet system you will be drawing hot air into the engine (less power) and risking water ingress (engine damage), as Wills has said.

Most of the top tuning operations suggest an ITG filter in the existing filter box. ITG seem to have a solid reputation with the professional racing fraternity and not just the Saxo brigade. So this is what I'm going to fit, and to see if I can detect any power improvement, I'm going to measure the vehicle performance before and after since real data always seems missing in these discussions. I already have a piggy-back performance chip installed so the extra air flow (if there is any) should lead to more power being developed.

I have one, a green never to be replaced again ever etc meant to give you extra HP but i haven't noticed any difference in to, i think its all hype by the time you bought new oil to coat it again, you may have just as well got a cheap one from your local supplier!!
When my rangie had a split turbo pipe ( Plastic ) it did 27mpg now its been replaced it does 25? as per dash screen. Any ideas, Bazz.:eek:

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