No worries guys, I've got someone coming to jump now. Thanks though.

Madhatman, can you send me your number please?
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Hey all, I'm in Stratford, near Westfield, cars dead and won't start.

I had the same problem yesterday after towing the horse trailer with our any significant problem.

My battery had been a problem in this cold weather and I only do a few miles a week so it has not had time to re-charge fully.

When the engine cutt out the battery was fine to turn the engine over but not enough at speed to fire up.

It would be good to hear if the new battery has solved the problem.
Dead again, now on the a12 :/ AA called. I think cold, I've been using all the electrics a lot recently too, but the general temp hasn't been getting above 1° really. I've had the car 3 years nearly and I've never replaced it, so probably just time.

I'd rather it didn't start though than go bonkers whilst I'm driving.

Hoping it's not the alternator, I changed both the fan belt and the AC belt about a month ago.
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I had the same problem yesterday after towing the horse trailer with our any significant problem.

My battery had been a problem in this cold weather and I only do a few miles a week so it has not had time to re-charge fully.

When the engine cutt out the battery was fine to turn the engine over but not enough at speed to fire up.

It would be good to hear if the new battery has solved the problem.

Things started going absolutely haywire. Pressing the brake brought up a fault, indicating told me bulbs were out etc. Crazy stuff, losing lights, indicators, then gear selection.
It's the alternator. Yay. They're not that much tbh, I'll sort it tomorrow. We completed a hi tech fix using a long bar and a club hammer.

Might just be the gubbins in the top in which case you get replacemernt off the bay for £15 although it takes a day or two to get over from Latvia.

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