
Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. Is there a existing p38 club in the Lincolnshire area? If not would there be a intrest in starting one? I used to be involved with a mini owners club and that was great fun and very useful. Thinking once a month meets kind of thing?

Any thoughts?

There used to be a club in Buckminster near Grantham and good green lanes nearby. Do not live up that way anymore so not sure if it still exists
I'd be interested in any more information about that. I'd also be interested in starting one if anyone is up for it?
That's great thank you, the club seems to be alive and kicking. However I'm looking for a specialist p38 group. So any takers let me know I've got a few names down already so a few more to make it worth while and I'll sort something out.

Thanks again for the link

That's great thank you, the club seems to be alive and kicking. However I'm looking for a specialist p38 group. So any takers let me know I've got a few names down already so a few more to make it worth while and I'll sort something out.

Thanks again for the link


Most P38 owners are to busy fixing them.:D:D
Hello MattKim. Your one of the lucky few then lol! If you PM me your location I'll add you to the list!!
Sorry, the only P38 clubs I know about are the ones we use on our P38's when something goeas wrong with it again. :)
Any more takers for the creation of a Lincolnshire P38 owners club?

Thank you to those that have PM'd me already with ideas keep them coming.

Get enough people for your club and you can buy a workshop with a 4 post lift to keep the P38's going.

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