Well I got it jacked up, only to discover the security wheelnut key is cracked and I can't get the f-ing wheel off.

Some days it's not worth getting out of bed..
Well I got it jacked up, only to discover the security wheelnut key is cracked and I can't get the f-ing wheel off.

Some days it's not worth getting out of bed..

Lucky you found that before you got a puncture:rolleyes:
I always had dust and squeaking issues until I went over to EBC Green Stuff
me to dust from pads other than ebc seem to stick to the wheels like ****e to a blanket , but dust from ebc greenstuff suv 6000 series just washes of and seems to grab quicker when you hit the brake pedal:)
I'm havin a right bad day.

Island4x4 posted the brake discs to france for £15. Great value. Super people, but they don't do wheel nut keys on their website.

Some to$$er on ebay wants £10 for postage of an £8 wheel nut key.

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I'm havin a right bad day.

Island4x4 posted the brake discs to france for £15. Great value. Super people, but they don't do wheel nut keys on their website.

Some to$$er on ebay wants £10 for postage of an £8 wheel nut key.


Are the wheel nut keys not all different?
Are the wheel nut keys not all different?

No, there are i think there are 10 different ones. Mine is type H. All are available on ebay.

Anyway, the week continues in the same vein. Off to Macon to the stealer this morning to see if they have one.. half way there and I get EAS fault.. 35 mph. So the stealer relieves me of 42 € to reset it and doesn't have the wheel nut key in stock..
You'll be half proud of me. Got the new wheel nut key and have changed the right front disc and pads.. lovely


I bent the wheel brace trying to get the left front wheel nuts off.

Waiting for my neighbour to come tomorrow with an f -ing big wheel brace..
I switched to EBC green stuff pads on mine, wear a little fast, but are good stoppers, no squeeks, the tail-gaters SH1T themselves when the see the towing hitch racing towards them.

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